Respective Reasons!!!

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Satotz continues to run faster as everyone continues onwards. 

Though Killua begins to ride his skateboard past several people, catching up to you and your group. 



Killua: Who says I'm cheating? 

Leorio: You're supposed to be running, not skating! 

Gon: Nice skateboard you have there. 

Killua: Hey, thanks. How old are you? 

Gon: I'm 12. 

Killua: Hmph, he's the same age as me. 

Killua got off of his skateboard, and started to run with Gon. 

Killua: The name's Killua. 

Gon: I'm Gon! 

Killua: Nice to meet you Gon. 

Gon: Thanks. Those two are Weiss and Leorio. 

Killua: Well, try and keep up with us old man. 

Leorio: WATCH IT! I'll have you know I'm 19 years old! 

Gon and Killua: HUH?! 

(Y/N): YOU'RE 19?! I thought you were 21 or older!! 

Three hours later... 

Ruby: Are we really still running? Where exactly are we going? 

(Y/N): I don't know. It looks like we've reached 40 Kilometers at this point. 

Then you noticed that Leorio was getting tired. 

Leorio: Why has no one dropped out yet? It's been like a long time. I- 

He begins to realize. 

Leorio: Everyone has some sort of special skill, but I'm just a normal guy. I didn't even stand a chance. 

He comes to a stop. 

Yang: Hey, did Leorio just- 

(Y/N): BUDDY?! 

Ruby: HEY LEORIO!! YOU GOT THIS!!! What do you want to be? 

Leorio: I ... I want to be a Hunter. 

Ruby: What? 


Leorio found his drive and sped himself up. 

He dropped his briefcase, and Gon used his fishing rod to lift it up and bring it back. 

Blake: That's still impressive. 

(Y/N): I know right. 

Killua: That was pretty impressive. You got to teach me that. 

Gon: If you let me try your skateboard. 

60 Km... 

Nicholas is dragging behind, and he begins to pant and gasp for breath, with him dropping his laptop, and having it shatter on the ground. 

Nicholas: How is this happening? I thought I would be able to do this, with all of the data I gained. 

Then he noticed the Amori Brothers nearby. 

Amori: Heh! Look at this tubby loser! 

Umori: How can a wimp like you get so far? 

Imori: Why don't you go back home to your Mommy, loser? 

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