By the Skin of their Teeth!!

94 4 14

You, Kurapika, Leorio, Blake, and Yang are on the search for more applicants, or hopefully Ponzu.

Leorio: Agh! It's been 6 days! 1 more, and I could end up falling!

Kurapika: We haven't run into anyone else since that encounter with- him.

Blake: Ugh, I can't get him out of my head either.

Yang: So now what? Do we go to the landing site where we originally disembarked from?

(Y/N): Good idea. I'm sure those with 6 points, even ... he who must not be named, are going there.

And so...

The boat was in sight, but no one else was. Not Hisoka, not Ruby, not Gon, not even others like Pokkle and Hanzo.

???: Hey guys! Need a hand?

Yang: Who's there? Oh, good. It's just Gon.

Gon was up in a tree nearby.

(Y/N): Did you manage to get Hisoka's badge?

Gon: Sure did!

Blake: Did you see a girl by the name of Ponzu? She's Leorio's target.

Gon: Oh ... sorry, no.

(Y/N): Well shoot.


Kurapika: Calm down Leorio, there are a few things to consider. 1: Ponzu is alive and still has her badge. 2: She's alive but doesn't have her badge. 3: She's dead and has her badge. And 4: She's dead and doesn't have her badge.

Leorio: How does the third scenario work?

Kurapika: She might have hidden her badge somewhere where no one could find it before she was killed.

Leorio: Ugh. Blake, you're part cat. Can't you use your senses to sniff her out?

Blake: I guess so. But I'd like to see if Gon could do it.

Gon: What kind of smell does she have?

Yang: She's a chemical expert.

Gon: Okay!

He begins sniffing around, and all of you begin to follow him.

With that...

You guys find a nearby cave.

(Y/N): Is she in there?

Gon: Yeah! I got a scent!


Yang: Easy there Leorio, we can't just get all jumpy. You could start-

Leorio glared at her.

Leorio: No ... puns.

Yang: Ugh! Fine!

Leorio: Here I go! I'll handle this.

He goes in.

(Y/N): Oh brother. I'm scared to leave him alone. I-

Kurapika: Wait. Let's wait for 30 minutes and then if nothing happens we'll go in.

30 minutes later...

Yang: Okay, that's it-

Leorio: Guys!! Be careful! There are snakes in here.

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