Late Night

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"Goodbye everyone~" Lin Qian, as always, slowed down the nanny car, and when he saw the guests who had just been on the same stage, he rolled down the window and said goodbye to them.

"Ah, it's worthy of being an artist from the country of Cherry Blossoms, it's really polite."

Faced with this exclamation of the guests, Lin Qian smiled embarrassedly, nodded, and then slowly accelerated to leave.

She has heard this kind of praise no less than 10 times in a month of continuous activities.

In fact, today she let the nanny car stay in place for ten minutes in order to get such a sentence, in order to deepen the impression of these guests, and only after seeing the guests appear, did she let the driver start the car.

It has been a month since Lin Qian arrived in the magic capital of Huaxia, and before coming, the company told her; 'As the biggest mountain in the entertainment industry in China, we are going to conquer it. And with your talent, you shouldn't just stay in this small country to live comfortably. The world is a stage, it's big.'

In fact, Lin Qian believes that there is nothing wrong with living comfortably, if the whole world is a stage, then where does the audience sit?

Why do you have to stand in the center of the stage?

But she couldn't refuse the company's arrangement, so she could only come to a foreign country to work hard, and through some operation, her Huaxia brokerage contract was signed to a company in the magic capital.

She has had good grades in Huaxia language classes since she was a child, and she has made rapid progress in Huaxia, from the beginning of the show did not dare to speak, to later being able to leave the script to express freely.

This powerful country is as open to foreign culture as rumored, but the people in this country don't seem to be exactly like that, at least not in the entertainment industry.

After all, people still survive in groups, xenophobia is an instinct, and selfishness is human nature.

Lin Qian has been here for a month, and he feels that there seems to be an invisible barrier everywhere, blocking himself from this place.

It's not difficult to move an inch, but the sticky feeling is overwhelming.

In fact, not only Lin Qian has this feeling, but almost all foreign artists who come to Huaxia have this feeling.

So Lin Qian had to change her casual attitude in the Cherry Blossom country, because in Huaxia, foreign artists are simply more careful than local newcomers.

'Today's program recording is better than yesterdays. Keep up the good work.'

Lin Qian closed the window of the car and relaxed the nerves that had been tense.

"You can take a break tonight, A-Qian."

The agent in the front row turned her head and shook the tablet in her hand at Lin Qian with a smile.

"Yes, Sister Chen, you can also rest, you have worked hard these days." Lin Qian responded with a smile to the agent.

Sister Chen is the agent sent to her by Lin Qianhuaxia Company, and there are also assistants.

After more than a month of running-in, everyone is no stranger, although it can't be said how good it is to get along, but the agent, it's all done.

"Sister Chen, how did I behave just now?"

After Lin Qian slowed down for a while, he sat up straight and asked the agent.

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