Disapproval to Approval

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Scout, Soldier, and Demoman. had been through countless battles together, and their friendship had only grown stronger with time. However, one day, Scout noticed something that made him feel uneasy: Soldier and Demoman had become more than just friends. They were in a romantic relationship.

At first, Scout tried to ignore his discomfort, hoping that it was just a passing phase. But as time went on, he found himself growing more and more agitated by the sight of Soldier and Demoman together. He couldn't understand why they would want to be together, and he began to feel like they were betraying their friendship with him.

Scout started to distance himself from Soldier and Demoman, avoiding them whenever possible. When they tried to talk to him, he would make excuses and quickly leave. He didn't want to hear about their relationship or see them being affectionate with each other.

Soldier and Demoman noticed Scout's behavior and tried to talk to him about it. They explained that their relationship didn't change their friendship with him and that they still valued him as a friend. But Scout couldn't get past his discomfort, and he refused to listen to their words.

As time went on, the tension between the three of them grew. Scout's resentment towards Soldier and Demoman started to affect their teamwork, and they began to lose battles they would have otherwise won. Scout realized that he was being selfish and that his behavior was hurting their team.

In the end, Scout decided to confront his feelings and try to understand why he was so uncomfortable with Soldier and Demoman's relationship. He realized that he was afraid of losing his two closest friends to each other, and that his fear was causing him to act irrationally.

Scout apologized to Soldier and Demoman for his behavior and promised to do better in the future. He acknowledged that their relationship didn't change the fact that they were still friends, and that he needed to accept and support them for who they were.

From that day forward, the three friends were able to put aside their differences and work together as a team once again. Scout learned the importance of accepting others for who they are, regardless of their differences, and he was grateful for the opportunity to grow and learn from his mistakes.

Exploding with love (A Soilder x Demoman fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now