Twenty Four

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Asteria didn't find sleep that night. Between scribbling, thinking, and balling up useless sheets of paper- she didn't have time to. Nothing came to mind for district 11.

If they'd been nobodies, that would have been one thing. Give the old "their sacrifice ensured that our tributes could come home" spiel. Or if they'd died honorable deaths, such as Clove or Cato- there'd be something to say in that. But they hadn't been killed honorably. Rue got no word of warning before a spear suddenly lodged into her chest. Thresh hadn't even been killed by Cato, he'd been caught by the mutts.

They were just children taken too young. That's all they were. That's all any of them were, but it was the hardest to talk about the two from 11. Who'd received higher numbers than anyone thought possible, a 9 and a 7. Those were career numbers. And yet, they met merciless ends in games they never wanted a part in.

She'd come up with something about an hour beforehand. A cookie-cutter speech to be given by Gale, with occasional head nods and agreements from Madge. Nothing personal. Nothing right. But it ensured that they'd get to the Capitol without incident.

Gale and Madge were presented on stage. Haymitch and Asteria stood back behind them, to their left. While the Mayor and Effie stood off to the right.

Gale began. Thanking the district for coming, introducing themselves personally- as people, not as victors. Giving condolences to Thresh's mother. His voice broke for just a moment when he mentioned how thresh had let him live during the feast, a moment Asteria felt she needed to address in the speech. But still, Gale was only reading. Everyone could tell there was a hint of his disingenuous tone.

"This isn't right." Asteria mumbled.

"They're doing fine." Haymitch shook his head.

"No. This isn't right."

The two paused as Gale began speaking again. He turned his attention to Rue's mother, who clutched several children all around her. Rue had been the oldest of her siblings. Reaped into her second games. Most likely, she'd taken out a tessera for each of them. That's why she would've gotten reaped.

"And to Rue, who's soft voice and gentle soul saved Madge..." He looked over at Madge, as instructed on the card. Attempting to sell the star crossed lovers even now. "...a debt that I can never repay her for. Without Rue, we-"

And Madge was done.

She heaved a sob, stumbling a bit as she clung onto the microphone stand for support. Gale- uncertain- just stood there. Not moving to comfort her the way she needed. He froze. He wasn't the charmer of the two, he didn't know how to stove off the interaction or how to continue to address the district.

Haymitch and Asteria came to the rescue. Before she could say anything to get their families killed. Asteria was the first to catch Madge, who turned and clung onto her for dear life. Haymitch grabbed Gale firmly by the shoulders and walked him to the back of the stage. Asteria held Madge for a few moments, letting the girl cry while district 11 watched on.

"Shh, shh- I know, sweetheart- I know." Asteria mumbled to her, pulling her tighter. She allowed the district a passing glance- every eye trained on the two of them, as well as each and every one of the cameras. No doubt a live feed straight to every district as well as the Capitol. "I promise, it'll be alright."

"No- no! It won't be alright, it won't!" Madge managed between heaved sobs. "Someone has to tell them! I- I can't, they need to know! She...Terra, please-"

Haymitch came to grab Madge, who was inconsolable by now. She was screaming something unintelligible as Haymitch lifted her away. A ringing filled Asteria's ears as the district watched on, soundless.

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