Chapter 18

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Holding her sister by the hand, Cameron retrieves her bags and follows her.

"You live here? ask Cameron, intrigued, following her sister up the stairs.

"Yes, temporarily. Abby and Tilly are really fantastic.

— I don't doubt it, but you are... Kate Valentine!

— And they are my best friends. My last album I owe it to them."

Cameron has a flash that literally explodes in her head. The dedication! For "A. Forever in my heart", Abigail. For T. my perfectii, Tilly. The clip, the sports girl, Abby!

"Oh! Dedications! A is Abby and T is Tilly.


Who are they? They stole my place in my sister's life?

Arriving upstairs, Cameron leans her bags against the wall, starting to have cold sweats, her imagination not having anticipated that her sister would be hosted by friends. She needs a dose of positive energy immediately.

"Can I take a selfie to send to my best friend, to show her that I managed to find you, that I arrived in Los Angeles? She won't show the picture to anyone, I trust her with my life, I promise.

— Of course, Cameron," replies Kate with a smile.

Striking a pose, Cameron takes the photograph and sends it to Tara who replies almost immediately.

"I'm so happy for you, you look so alike, the same smile. Enjoy your sister, you deserve it after all you've been through. I love you."

Cameron looks at the selfie and recognizes that they are identical, same face, same look, same smile. Showing Tara's photograph and message, Cameron tearfully kisses Kate, hugging her tight.

"I'm so happy, I found my sister. I was afraid that you died when you disappeared, that I would never meet you. I've been gone for so long, I've lost hope."

Stepping away to dry his eyes, Cameron looks at the bedroom, which is spacious and pleasant, restful. The living room next door is beautifully decorated, photographs of Abby and Tilly, others with her sister, a horse, a valley with a river. The rooms are silent, the air smells good, lightly perfumed.

"It's nice here," admits Cameron.

"Yeah, Abby and Tilly had this floor built for me, so I'd be comfortable.

— They must really care about you," she said, a little jealous of the closeness of these girls to her sister.

Turning around, she sees her sister depositing her bags in the bedroom and holding out her hand, which she grabs, in order to join those who have taken her place with her sister, and she smiles stupidly when she sees that Kris is still there, drinking a tea to see the teapot on the coffee table.

"Cameron, you are at home here. Welcome to the family," the brunette announces, hugging her again.

Cameron immediately hates her for being so nice and affectionate with her, she likes it.

"Do you want something to drink? Have you eaten? I can prepare something for you, if you want, that's ok," asks Tilly.

"She was shy and only had a yogurt in the VIP lounge," replies Kris.

"Oh no no no," says Tilly, taking her hand. "Come with me, sit down. Do you want eggs? I'll make you an omelet, okay? Look, it's going to be fast. Do you have any allergies? Are you vegan?"

Cameron watches as the redhead quickly beats the eggs, pours everything into the skillet, cuts thin strips of ham, sprinkles cheese over everything before covering with a flatbread, finally flipping everything onto a plate and serving it up. to roll. It's appetizing and her stomach betrays her. Thanking Tilly, Cameron takes a bite before dying in his chair.

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