Chapter - 6

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Cover art by: @_pirene

Upon his friends statement Erwin rushed down the halls of the corp HQ with one goal in mind: find Levi. Waves and waves of soldiers greeted him while passing as some even stop to ask to ask questions but Erwin quickly denied them stating he would deal with them later. A certain captain was more important after all.

Erwin shortly found himself staring right outside the door of the captain's headquarters reaching for the handle but briefly stop to consider his actions and knocked. From the inside of the room a small groan and tsk could be heard followed by a short "Come in."

Erwin than made his way inside the room eyes instantly laying on the dark haired man infront of him. He sat on a chair next to window, in his hands he held a book (he had barely read 2 pages) and in the other he held a small tea cup.

"That might be the very first time I see you read." Erwin stated with a small smile on his face, "Yeah well, when someone is stuck in room all day they have to find something to entertain themselves with." Levi stated setting his tea cup down on the table infront of him as he looked at the window.

Erwin briefly looked at the cover and smiled. "I remember reading this book a lot when I was younger." Erwin stated as he walked inside the room closing the door behind him. "Yeah well, I stole it from your library. Must be why." Levi stated looking at the blonde male standing next to him.

"Although...I can't really say I understand anything from this." Levi admit looking back at the book he held in his hands placing it down and reaching for his tea cup one more. "Ah, how could I had forget. Levi is illiterate." Erwin cursed himself internally for not remembering such a simple fact about the shorter man. Especially after he decided to take on the mans paper work stating 'he should only focuse on the battlefield'.

"Well, this might be too high leveled for you. You could have asked Levi, I'm willing to help you if you don't understand something." Erwin said looking into the smaller man's eyes searching for the slightest bit of emotion. "Erwin..I-" Before Levi could even finish his sentence a knock was heard at the door. Levi stood up and walked toward the door opening it.

"What is the matter?" He said to the man with a bored tone. "A package was sent here for the commander. Squad leader Zacharias sent me here stating the commander would be here as I did not find him in the office, sir." Said to the soldier standing outside of the room with a rectangle box in his hands. Erwin marched over to the box and gave the soldier a greatful smile as he said his thank yous and the soldier took his leave.

Levi closed the door and marched back to his seat taking a sip from his tea once more. "Oh, its from Eloise." Erwin stated with a faint smile on his face looking at the packaging. He then felt his spine shudder as he looked back at Levi who was glaring hard at him. "Isn't she the noble woman you slept with a couple of days ago?" Levi asked with a slight cockiness to his tone. Erwin couldn't help but feel naked and harmless at the mans stare, if he didn't say anything quickly he might be devoured by the lion himself.

"She must have really liked you to send you a gift, after all. Aint that right Erwin? It must have been real steamy and enjoyable in there." Levi stated eyes fixated on the taller man infront of him. Levi sipped his tea slowly as to enjoy every bit of flavor as he glared holes into Erwin, Erwin on the other hand was sweating a lot more than he had anticipated; and that was not the heat's doing.

"Well actually, the gift is for you." Erwin answered as he looked at the shorter man. Levi briefly stopped for a moment tea cup haging from his fingers as if he had tried to drink he would simply choke. "What?" Levi asked pure confusion was visible in his eyes. "She sent you a box of rare herbs to make tea." Erwin said.

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