Chapter 17

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       I pulled into my driveway and saw a familiar silver car; I realized it was Evan’s, my eyes scanned him as he was standing outside, leaning on his car. His arms were crossed over his chest, and I saw a determined look in his blueish-green eyes. I got out of the car, confusion settled in me, I wondered what he wanted, maybe to rub it in my face that his new girlfriend is better than me?

   “Hey,” he said, giving a half smile.

    “Hey,” I replied, habitually leaning against his car.

     “How have you been?” He asked, pulling something out of his pocket.

        It was a cigarette, I realized with disgust, “Fine, you?” I said smoothly.

        He lit the disturbing thing with a lighter, inhaled and blew out a puff of smoke,    “I need to talk to you,” he said, with the cigarette in his mouth.

        “I will talk to you after you take the cigarette out of your mouth,” I responded crossing my arms over my chest.

    He inhaled sharply, something he did when he was trying to keep his patience,   “I’m sorry about cheating on you. I know what I did was wrong, I know what I did was terrible, I’m not even with her anymore. You have no idea how sorry I am, I miss you-“

   I interrupted, “No. You cheated, I saw you with my own eyes, and it was our freaking anniversary. You obviously didn’t know it was because you were texting her throughout the whole week. You forgot about me, and you still want to get back together? After you were done with her you want me, again? You can’t do that, that’s not fair for me.” I shrieked at him, wanting to punch him.

    I saw his cheeks flame, “All you care about is yourself, that’s all you care about! Every single detail has to be about you. Maybe why I cheated on you is because I wanted to try something different, something new, instead of having a controlling bitch!"

    “A controlling bitch? I did everything for you, and you cheated on me. My feelings were hurt, Evan. I can tell you don’t comprehend that. You stooped down low to cheat on me with that whore!” I yelled, my voice echoing through the trees and tears threatening to spill down my cheeks.

  “Yes, a controlling bitch, did you forget about how much we fought? I want to fix that, but maybe now, I don’t want to. You’re controlling, you didn’t want me to go to parties, you wanted to stay home, you didn’t care what I wanted, it was all about Andyln this and Andyln that. How I’m still in love with you, I will never know. I tried, Andyln, I did. Like the cigarette thing, we’re not dating, and you told me to take it out of my mouth. It’s my choice now, not yours, my life, not yours. All you cared about was your shoes, and clothes, and not me.”

  “I did care about you, I cared to much. I would never go and cheat on you with anyone, because I loved you. But you never said it back, you didn’t love me, it’s the past now. I’m over it and one with it. You cheated on me with a whore, and we’re not getting back together,” I said, angrily swiping a tear off my face.

   “You don’t know what a whore is, you don’t know that your best friend is, she’s the one that fucked me last summer while you went to Italy,” he said coldly.

   He threw his cigarette on the ground, got into his car and sped off.

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