Chapter 6 - Legacies

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Three masked robbers, three men wearing masks with the Ace, King and Jack on them, break into Starling Trust Bank. They fire some warning shots which scares the people inside.

Ace: Get down! Get on the floor right now!

Everyone gets down scared for their lives. One of the employees triggers the silent alarm before going down with the rest. 

Ace: Nobody lift their head, nobody gets hurt.
King: Get down! Get on the floor right now!
Bank Manager: You can't jackhammer into the safe. It's too thick.

Ace hits him on the face and looks at him.

Ace: Shut up!

Jack appears in front of Ace.

Jack: We're through. Three minutes.

Ace looks at his watch and nods. Jack and King go into the safe and start filling their bag with money. One of the male civilian go to grab a gun which is hidden in his shoe. A female civilian near him sees this and her eyes widen.

Female Civilian: Are you trying to get us killed?
Male Civilian: Don't worry. I'm a cop

He flashes her his badge.

Female Civilian: Please don't do anything. I don't want to die. please!

The last "please" is heard by Ace and shoots at the man and kills him. Everyone screams out in fear. King walks out hearing the gunshots.

King: What the hells going on?

Ace turns his body around to see the badge. He hands the badge to King.'

Ace: He was a freakin' cop.
King: Enough throwing shots

Outside the bank, a squadron of cop cars surround the bank. Ace, King and Jack hears the sirens from inside the bank.

Ace: You hear that? Someone triggered the alarm!

Ace starts to point the gun at the civilians when King stops him

King: Don't! That's it. Let's go.

King and Ace starts to walk away. Outside the bank, Hilton has a megaphone in his hands

Hilton: Starling City police department. Lay down your weapon and come out with your hands up. I repeat lay down your weapon and come out with your hands up.

Inside the bank, Ace looks at the female civilian from before. Outside the bank, the doors suddenly open.

Hilton: Hold your fire.

Out of the bank several civilians walk out with the masks worn by the robbers.

Hilton: Move those hostages. Mills contain the hostages. All other units, move in. Move in.

Several officers enter the bank alongside Hilton. They enter to see the dead cop and a bag. Hilton enters the safe along with another officer and with their guns pointed. Inside the safe they see a hole through which the robbers escaped. On the other end of the hole, Ace, Jack and King come out.

King: You shot a cop. This is not how we do things.

Ace removes his mask and stares at King.

Ace: Me getting killed isn't how we do things, either, is it? Is it?

King: Get in the van!

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