Chapter 14 - The Odyssey

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Moira stands in front of Avery and Oliver who are in their hoods. Avery has her arrow pointed at her and Moira looks at them in fear. Moira goes to take her bag but Avery shoots it away. Moira flinches and Avery points the bow at Moira again.

Avery: Stand still!

Moira: Please don't kill me.

Avery and Oliver walks towards Moira as she goes backward.

Oliver: Do you know anything about your husband's disappearance?

Moira: What?!

Avery: Is Walter Steel still alive?!

Moira: I don't know where my husband is. I swear.

Oliver: Do you know anything about the Undertaking?

Moira shakes her head and turns around to grab a frame with  a picture of Oliver, Avery and Thea.

Avery: I said don't move!

Moira goes to her knees in fear and shows the frame to them.

Moira: I'm--I'm a mother. I have a son--Oliver. Two daughters, their names are Thea and Avery. The both of them are just teenagers. Please don't take me from my children. They lost their father. They can't lose me, too. Please, whoever you both are, please.

Avery: Okay.

Avery points her bow down.

Avery: We're not going to hurt you.

The moment the bow is not pointed at Moira she turns around and grabs a gun. She goes to shoot Oliver first but Avery pushes him out of the way. The both of them go to the ground. Avery grunts in pain while Moira goes to grab the phone from her bag and dials. 

Moira: This is Moira Queen, I'm on the 39th floor, I need help. There are two intruders.

Moira disconnects the call and slowly looks to see Oliver and Avery nowhere. The only evidence of their presence is Avery's bloodstains.


Felicity is approaching her car in a parking garage. She enters her car and starts the engine. Felicity turns around to reverse her car and spots Oliver and Avery in the backseat. Avery seems to be unconscious and laying on Oliver's lap. She gasps.

Oliver: We're not going to hurt you, Felicity.

Felicity: How do you know my name?

Oliver: Because you know our names.

Oliver takes of his hood and Felicity is surprised.

Felicity: Mr. --- Oliver, oh...Wow.

Felicity turns to unconscious body of Avery.

Felicity: Is that - 

Oliver takes of her hood to reveal Avery.

Felicity: Wow. Everything about you both just became so unbelievably clear.

Felicity notices the bleeding on Avery.

Felicity: She's bleeding. 

Oliver: I don't need to be told that.

Felicity: She needs a hospital.

Oliver: No, My father's old factory, in the Glades.

Felicity: No, she needs a doctor, not a steelworker.

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