Chapter 10 - Burned

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A building in Starling City is on fire. Several  firemen are seen dousing the fire out.

Fireman #1: Get that hose over to the north face or we're liable to lose the whole block!

Fireman #2: Yes sir.

The second fireman switches his radio on and speaks into it.

Fireman #2: Danny! 

Danny: Yes Keith?

Keith: Getting a little smokey out here, buddy.

Danny: Just clearing the upper level.

Danny looks around and spots a man and gestures him to come over.

Danny: Hey you, over here. I can use some help. I got a hot spot.

The man approaches him and starts spraying a liquid on Danny.

Danny: Hey-

He starts catching on fire suddenly and starts screaming in pain. The unknown man walks away.


At the base, Avery is alone and starts training on the salmon ladder but she is facing difficulty as she reminds herself about her confrontation with the archer. After a while she throws a tennis ball into the air and tries to shoot an arrow but misses it. Diggle and Oliver walk in.

Oliver: How you doin'? Rehab going good?

Avery doesn't respond and looks at Diggle.

Avery: Any news on Walter?

Diggle: My contact at the Bureau struck out. Same with my guy at Interpol. They're both saying the same thing.

Oliver and Diggle approach Avery.

Oliver: Either our stepfather doesn't want to be found or someone doesn't want him to be found. 

Diggle: It's been six weeks, Oliver. No contact from the kidnappers, no ransom demand, no proof of life. I hate to sound--

Avery: Dig...We all know he's more than likely dead.

Oliver: What do we do then?

Avery: I don't know. Even our contacts in the Bratva can't dig up a lead.

Oliver: I wasn't talking about Walter.

He takes the list of the table.

Oliver: Back at fighting weight, looks like. And last I checked, there were more than a few names to cross off in the list.

Avery turns to face Oliver.

Avery: Those people aren't going anywhere. With Walter missing, our family needs us right now Ollie.


At the CNRI Office, Johanna and Laurel are having a conversation.

Johanna: And, Judge Hinkle is ready to grant them another continuance! So I said, " hell, no. This trial starts right now."

Laurel: That a girl.

Johanna: Thanks.

Johanna spots Quentin entering and gestures to Laurel. Laurel  turns around to see her father approaching.

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