A Dream is Born

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Kiyami was just a little girl when she first heard about the Great Wall of China. Her father Monan was a history buff, and he used to tell her stories about the wall and how it was built to protect China from invaders. Kiyami was fascinated by the stories and dreamed of seeing the wall with her own eyes someday.

But Kiyami's family was poor. Her father was a construction worker, and her mother Ms. Monan worked as a cleaner in a local hospital. They could barely make ends meet, and Kiyami had to help out by doing odd jobs after school. Despite the hardships, Kiyami held on to her dream of seeing the Great Wall of China.

One day, Kiyami's father came home with a surprise. He had bought her a book about the Great Wall of China. Kiyami was overjoyed and spent every free moment reading it. She learned everything she could about the wall and even started to teach herself Chinese so she could communicate with the locals.

As Kiyami grew older, her dream only grew stronger. She made a promise to herself that one day she would save up enough money to see the Great Wall of China with her own eyes. She worked hard in school and did well, hoping that her good grades would lead to a scholarship that could help fund her trip.

Despite the challenges and hardships she faced, Kiyami refused to give up on her dream. She believed that anything was possible with hard work and determination. And so, the dream of seeing the Great Wall of China remained firmly planted in her heart, driving her forward day after day.

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