Struggling to Survive

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Kiyami's family struggled to make ends meet, and as the eldest daughter, she felt a responsibility to help out as much as she could. After school, she would work odd jobs like babysitting, pet sitting, and delivering groceries to earn extra money. She knew that every penny counted towards her dream of seeing the Great Wall of China.

Her parents worked long hours, and Kiyami rarely saw them. She often felt lonely and wished she had a friend who understood what she was going through. One day, while she was on her way to deliver groceries, she saw her childhood friend and classmate Rasen walking home from school.

"Hey Rasen, wait up!" Kiyami called out, running to catch up with him.

"Hey Kiyami, what's up?" Rasen asked, a smile on his face.

Kiyami told Rasen about her dream of seeing the Great Wall of China, and how she was working hard to make it happen. Rasen listened intently, and then he surprised her by saying, "I'll help you save up for your trip. We can work together and save twice as fast."

Kiyami was overwhelmed with gratitude. She couldn't believe that her friend was willing to help her achieve her dream. From that day on, Kiyami and Rasen worked together every day after school. They did odd jobs together, saved their money, and talked about their future plans.

It wasn't easy, but Kiyami felt a sense of purpose and hope that she had never felt before. She knew that with Rasen by her side, anything was possible. Despite the challenges they faced, they refused to give up on their dream of seeing the Great Wall of China.

As Kiyami and Rasen worked together, they learned more about each other's lives and struggles. They talked about their families, their hopes, and their fears. Kiyami realized that having a friend who understood her made all the difference in the world. And so, Kiyami's dream of seeing the Great Wall of China became a shared dream, one that she and Rasen were determined to make a reality.

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