A Friend in Need

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Kiyami was on cloud nine after winning the scholarship to China. She was so excited that she couldn't stop talking about it to everyone, including her crush Rohan.

"I can't believe I'm finally going to see the Great Wall of China!" Kiyami gushed to Rohan. "It's been my dream since I was a little girl."

Rohan nodded, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "That's really cool, Kiyami. I'm happy for you."

Kiyami couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at Rohan's lackluster response. She had hoped that he would be just as excited as she was, but it seemed like he didn't really care. She tried to push the feeling aside and focus on her upcoming trip.

However, things took a turn for the worse when Nitin, the school bully, caught wind of Kiyami's plans.

"So you think you're hot stuff now that you won a stupid scholarship?" Nitin sneered, blocking Kiyami's path in the hallway. "Well, newsflash, nobody cares."

Kiyami tried to walk past him, but Nitin grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back. "You think you're better than us because you're going to China? Well, you're not. You'll always be a nobody."

Rasen, who had been walking behind Kiyami, stepped forward. "Let go of her, Nitin. You're not allowed to touch her."

Nitin laughed. "What are you gonna do about it, loser?"

Rasen took a step closer, his fists clenched. "I said, let go of her."

In a split second, Nitin swung his fist at Rasen. The two boys engaged in a fistfight, drawing a crowd of onlookers. Kiyami felt a sense of panic wash over her as she watched her best friend fight for her.

But then something unexpected happened. Rohan stepped forward and pulled Nitin away from Rasen.

"Hey, stop it!" Rohan shouted. "This isn't worth it."

Nitin glared at Rohan but eventually relented, storming away from the scene. Kiyami rushed over to Rasen, who was nursing a cut on his lip.

"Are you okay?" she asked, tears in her eyes.

Rasen nodded, grinning. "I'm fine. But more importantly, are you okay?"

Kiyami nodded, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for her friends. She realized that no matter what happened, they would always have her back. And with that realization, she felt stronger than ever.

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