Twenty-Two: Conflict

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Wednesday, 13th November, 1996

I had never been more tempted to fake being sick so I can spend a few days in the Hospital Wing. As I was sat in Charms, Draco and I were staring at each other, and we were clearly thinking the same thing.

I am really hating this.

We'd barely spoke yesterday. I was unsure if it were on purpose, or because of our last conversation in the Astronomy Tower, but if I were to guess, I would say it was the latter.

I couldn't believe we were already back here. I knew it was all my fault. If I had kept my stupid mouth shut, then it would all be okay still. I suppose mine and Draco's happy place has always been something very temporary – a quiet break in between our disputes.

Even during double Transfiguration yesterday, Draco and I just shared the occasional soft smile and gazed into one another's eyes. It wasn't like I didn't want to speak to him, I did more than anything, I just couldn't find the courage.

"I am so done with today already," Harry groaned, taking me out of my own head.

I looked away from Draco and towards Harry. Once we caught eyes, he slumped back into the bench. I soon followed suit, a little glad of the distraction.

"The day's only just started," I said, forcing out a low chuckle,

"Even still. I just want to be out there on my Firebolt-"

"But it's bloody freezing today, Harry. You can't seriously want to be out playing Quidditch in that?!" I exclaimed, trying to stifle a snicker,

"Why not? You'd soon warm up," Harry shrugged, and there wasn't a shred of sarcasm or humour in his voice,

"It wouldn't surprise me if it were literally zero degrees out there. Surely your hands get unbearably cold holding your broomstick?" I pointed out,

"There's all kinds of charms that will help with that. Once the adrenaline of the game kicks in, you don't think of anything like that anyway," Harry said,

"I don't think there's anything I'd like to do less than be outside willingly. You are very good at Quidditch though, Harry, I'll give you that," I said, smiling at him.

I suddenly had a jolt run through me. Was I starting to sound flirtatious? Surely I couldn't be... not when I could feel Draco's eyes on us.

Do not look at Draco. Whatever you do, do not look over at him.

"Why thank you, Maddie," Harry snickered, running his hands through his hair, "Always nice to meet the fans,"

"Someone's sure of themselves, aren't they? I have to admire your confidence," I laughed nervously, unsure of how sarcastic and how genuine he was being,

"Well, if you don't believe in yourself, who else is going to?" Harry said with a lot more definite sincerity, "Anyway, how did your big date go? I want to know all the gory details,"

"That is a very good point, Harry, I really like that," I said, smiling to myself, "It was fine, I suppose. We just spoke over tea and cake, it wasn't anything spectacular," I told him, not knowing what else to say,

"Tea and cake is always good," Harry chuckled, "Who'd you meet up with, out of curiosity?"

"Luke Watson. He's a seventh year Hufflepuff," I said matter-of-factly,

"Ahh, yeah. Chaser, isn't he?" Harry asked in a way that sounded like he already knew the answer.

I nodded my head in confirmation.

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