Twenty-Eight: Eavesdropping

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Tuesday, 26th November, 1996

The very last thing in this world I wanted to do was go and sit with Draco for two hours. I didn't even go down to Professor McGonagall's office for breakfast, because I felt like I could throw up. The thought of eating made me want to heave.

I made sure, however, to get to Professor McGonagall's classroom relatively early. I wanted to be the first one to be sat at that desk. I didn't want Draco to look at me gingerly sitting next to him, feeling my nervousness.

I also made sure to look as nice as I could. At least if I made my hair look nice, it might help with the constant embarrassment. So, I waved my wand over my hair and gave it a slight curl, accessorising with a yellow and black striped hairband. It looked pretty yet effortless.

When I walked through the Transfiguration classroom, my heart dropped slightly as I saw him already sitting there. He looked straight at me, and I wasn't sure why I felt a slight disappointment...

Draco was sitting in the desk in front of us, where Theodore and Pansy sit. What was strange, though, was he was sat alone. I wanted to ask what was going on, but as I sat down, all words seemed to stuck in my throat.

The more people were starting to trickle in, the worse I was feeling. It was clear that I wasn't the only one to have noticed the sudden change in seating arrangement.

"You feeling alright today, Parsons?" Blaise called over as he slumped down in his chair,

"Yes, thank you, Blaise," I said to him quietly, knowing that Draco was listening,

"Do you want me to come sit with you? Nott is down in the Hospital Wing, so you'll be sat on your own again," Blaise offered, his tone was genuine and sweet, and it was so appreciated,

"No, that's okay, thank you though, that's nice of you," I smiled at him softly, "Is Theodore okay?"

"Yeah, he just has some sort of Muggle flu. Are you sure you don't want me sitting with you?" Blaise cocked his head slightly.

Draco scoffed out of nowhere, tutting and rolling his eyes at Blaise. I couldn't help but look back at him, unsure of why he cared so much.

"What's your problem, Malfoy?" Blaise huffed, narrowing his eyes at Draco,

"Nothing," Draco smirked to himself, "Ahh, Parkinson! Is it still alright if I sit with you today?"

My head snapped over to the door and Pansy walked through with Daphne. I suddenly felt disgusting for some reason. The two Slytherin girls always looked immaculate. Pansy had poker straight, shiny hair, to the point it was nearly glittering. Daphne had her hair styled in a neat bun, with curls framing her perfectly structured face.

Pansy whispered something to Daphne, who were both looking directly at me. Daphne looked at me with pity and Pansy had a soft smirk on her lips, both of which were making me feel really rubbish.

"Of course, Malfoy," Pansy said with a flirtatious drawl,

"There's a good girl," Draco arched an eyebrow at her. Those words made my stomach twist harshly,

"I thought Parsons was your good girl?" Blaise rolled his eyes, obviously trying to antagonise Draco,

"Fuck off, Zabini," Draco sneered.

I looked down at my desk, not knowing what else to do. That's what Draco used to call me... I always thought that was something special between us. So, even that was ruined for me now.

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