Façade 33: Convenience

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I am always there for everybody
When they needed comfort, I was their companion
When they needed the talks, I was up all night long
Across a cup of coffee, or even across the phone
I was there, I made sure of that

But when things have changed and the tables have turned
I felt like everybody has jump off planes
And left me abandon, a hostage of my own insanity

When I needed the warmth, they gave me cold shoulders
When I needed to sit in silence with someone for comfort
I was alone, that instead of silence, my mind was clouded with questions

How did I end up alone?
I cannot even begin to answer
But one thing I can certainly remember
I was their friend, and maybe I expected too much
And now my mind has grasp the probability
Maybe, I was just their convenience.

Miss Heartstrong

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