Chapter 1 - The Future Crime Lord

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Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung sat under the bleachers, meeting in their usual spot during lunch to hang out and avoid the crowds. They laughed softly as Taehyung made a snarky remark about the school's bully. 

"Seriously, Miiister Jungkook? He said drawing the word out annoyed. "Is he serious." 

"I know, who does he think he is?" Yoongi said rolling his eyes. 

"Well, you mean aside from the owner and Principal's kid?"

"Psh, so, that doesn't make him president." 

Taehyung choked on his soda, "He is president Yoongi." 

"Oh right." Yoongi pouted. "I always forget because everyone knows the results were rigged. His dad definitely pulled strings and made him president. No way would anyone vote for him." 

Taehyung nodded tossing a chip in his mouth, 'Ok so who do you think is scarier? Mr. Jeon or Mr. Jungkook?" 

Jimin just shrugged. He didn't talk much out of their little trio. He was very shy and quiet and mostly just enjoyed Yoongi and Taehyung go back and forth bickering and being snarky with each other. 

"Come on Jimin, you gotta pick one!" Taehyung insisted. "I say Mr. Jeon is way scarier, he looks like a thug in principal clothing." 

Yoongi chuckled and Jimin spoke softly, "Mr. Jungkook is really scary." 

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I'm not calling him Mr. Jungkook, that's so stupid. And Mr. Jeon is way scarier than that punk." 

Taehyung laughed only to almost spill his drink from flinching so hard when a deep voice yelled through the gym.

"What are you boys doing in here!?" 

Jimin and Taehyung quickly slid out from under the bleachers and brushed themselves off bowing quickly. 

"S..sorry Mr. Jungkook, we were just having lunch." 

Yoongi looked at him with cold eyes as he too stood up.

"There's not a rule saying we can't have lunch in here."

Jungkook walked up to him and Taehyung and Jimin moved back nervously, Jungkook was known to have a temper and would literally beat students. Yoongi knew this first hand, but no matter how many times he received Jungkook's punishments he didn't stop voicing his opinion to the principal's son. 

"Your lip is still busted from our last encounter and you're still mouthing off to me Omega." 

Jimin hid behind Taehyung as Jungkook moved closer to Yoongi and slammed him on the wall. Yoongi pushed him off him. 

"You consider telling you the rules that your father wrote, mouthing off? there isn't a rule saying we can't be here, so fuck off!" 

Jungkook punched him hard in the face and Yoongi blocked the violent hits the best he could. HIs breath left him in a huff when Jungkook's knee slammed into his stomach. He knelt down gasping for air and covered his face from any further face hits. He spit blood on his shiny black shoes and laughed. 

Jungkook was outraged and kicked him backwards so that Yoongi fell back on the floor and coughed instinctively scooting away from him. 

"You must feel like a mighty Alpha beating up an Omega." 

Jungkook growled at him, "A mouthy Omega that doesn't know his place." 

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize being an Omega meant letting you punk me around. Oh forgive me mighty Alpha. How could I have forgotten I'm a low unworthy peasant your majesty." 

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