Chapter 4 - A Gift Named Jimin

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Someone knocked on the door and Jungkook told him to come in. He was surprised to see his dad's right-hand man, Hoseok, and smiled going to hug him.

"Hey kiddo, I wanted to come to see you before we go out on our mission tonight." 

He bit his lip after he said it and covered his mouth as Jungkook gasped. 

"You guys are going on a mission tonight!? Why doesn't dad ever let me do anything? What more do I have to do to prove to him that I'm ready? Why does he treat me like a child?! I'm 21 and a Level 3 Alpha about to graduate!" 

Hosoek looked sympathetically at Jungkook and patted his back. 

"It's dangerous the stuff we do, I'm sure he just wants to make sure you're ready. It's a big job we have tonight."

Jungkook looked at him, "Did he tell you in detail? Can you tell me? I can't go, what's it gonna hurt that I know?" 

Hosoek shook his head, "Sorry kiddo, boss's strict orders not to share information with anyone. Not even his beloved son." 

Jungkook huffed and Hoseok coo'd at him. Jungkook slapped his hands away and made him stop baby talking to him. 

"Cut that out!" 

"I'm sorry, you're just so cute when you pout." 

Jungkook frowned at him, "You know someday you'll answer to me." 

Hoseok smirked and nodded giving a deep bow, "You're absolutely right future boss. Forgive me." 

Jungkook rolled his eyes hearing the mocking tone in his voice. He pushed him and Hoseok laughed. 

"Seriously though, just a heads up tomorrow is gonna be a crazy day. So be ready." 

Jungkook just nodded, whatever his dad had planned it would affect him at school for sure. The other students didn't return home at night. But he, being the son of the owner and principal, got to go home every night. He had no complaints about that. It gave him some time to breathe and reflect. 

He looked out the window seeing Hoseok head out and wondered where his dad was. Hoseok was like a big brother to him. A non-biological brother, he'd been there since he was small. he had a brother though, his dad's other son. The one that didn't turn out to follow in his dad's footsteps. Namjoon was Jungkook's ultimate role model though. Even though he wasn't like his dad and he went off to get his own pack, he was everything Jungkook wanted to be. Strong, powerful, mated and intelligent. He had a lot of respect for his biological brother and no one could ever replace him. But was Hoseok was the brother that made his dad proud. 

Sometimes he felt like his dad forgot Hoseok was his right-hand man and not his son. YOu couldn't tell he did his dad's dirty work by looking at him. He was very friendly, positive, and had a young fun vibe. Jungkook felt like it gave him hope, seeing you didn't have to be so serious all the time. But Hoseok wasn't a crime lord, he was just the dirty hands. Maybe it had different requirements. 

He stared down the street as Hoseok's car disappeared in the distance and sighed putting his head to the window. 

"Dad what is it you're waiting for? Is it until I graduate? Do you think I'm not tough enough? Jungkook thought aloud to himself. 

He'd done everything he told him to. HE showed him he wasn't afraid to break the law, he'd shown him he wasn't afraid of the police, he'd shown him he could kill. He just didn't understand what the hesitation was on letting him join along on missions. 

                                                        The Next Day

"Jungkook come on, it's time to go." His dad said hitting his door one time. 

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