Chapter 9 - Attacked

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"Quick get down!" Mr. Jeon said leaping behind a wall.

Hoseok dropped to the ground pulling Taehyung with him and Jungkook kept his leash on Jimin tight. 

"Over here behind the wall, hurry up!" Mr. Jeon yelled. 

Jungkook let go of the leash panicked and Hoseok moved with him, leaving the three Omegas in the middle of the room. 

"Shit, get down Jimin stay down!" Jungkook yelled, upset he left him. 

Taehyung covered his head and stayed low to the ground and Jimin curled into himself covering his head as well. Yoongi tried to crawl away during the shots of fire being echoed int he cellar. 

"Yoongi get down and be still." 

Yoongi didn't listen though, he yelped and jumped as a bullet nearly grazed him. Hoseok cursed. 

"He's gonna get himself killed trying to run away." 

Mr. Jeon cursed and was pissed, "They're coming in." 

He rolled out from behind the wall and quickly grabbed his suitcase off the stage that he left and quickly opened it getting out his revolver. 

"He really doesn't want to get on my bad side." He said turning the safety off and aimed it at the first person running in. 

He shot him but his celebration ended shortly after a machine gun started going off. Jungkook covered his ears and stayed low to the ground, watching the Omegas in the middle of the crossfire. 

Yoongi was about to slip through the door when someone grabbed his arm. He moved fast and grabbed Jimin too and smirked backing out backwards with his machine gun in his hand.

"You promised us so many Omegas, a deal's a deal." He said and disappeared. 

The cellar was deafening after the silence from all the gunshots. Mr. Jeon kicked the wall and stood up.

"How dare he attack me like this!" 

"He took our Omegas dad." 

"We're not going to unnecessary war for a couple of Omegas. He's right, I promised them so many Omegas, but Lance knows better than to attack me. I'll find a way to deal with him." 

Jungkook scanned the empty cellar and ran towards the entrance they came out. 

"Dad they've got Jimin!" Jungkook said now a little more frantic. 

"It's fine, you can get another one." 

Jungkook just looked at his dad like he was a stranger. 

"Dad he can't have my Omega. Let me come with you when you deal with him?" 

Hoseok just listened quietly to Jungkook's pleas and helped Taehyung up. 

"Are we going to rescue Yoongi? We just got him back." Taehyung asked softly. 

Hoseok caressed Tae's hair and sighed. 

"I'm not sure he was the best fit for us, he seems to need to be broken." 

"But they will just kill him." 

Hoseok just looked at Mr. Jeon who was pacing and making phone calls. Jungkook looked out the door making sure it was clear and was ready to track down his Omega.

"Just relax Jungkook, we're going over there now. I need to see why Lance thought it was a good idea to attack me, while I'm trying to help him." 

Hoseok just held Taehyung's hand tightly as he followed Jungkook and Mr. Jeon in the car. They drove for about 30 minutes. Taehyung sat quietly next to Hoseok who just kept rubbing his shoulders and caressing his hair. 

Lessons in Love - Jikook| OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now