Chapter 4

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Ingrid POV

I didn't buy it. They were hiding something from me, I just knew it. I had decided long ago that I was going to trust them with everything, but now I am not so sure. If we were to have a relationship that may or may not be leading towards marriage and children, I had to know.

I don't think they put into account that I was able to know exactly were they were always, and that is what I was hoping for. After I had tracked their locations through one of the cars that North had added to an application on my phone, I knew their location. I waited until they had been stationary at the same spot for five minutes before calling an uber. Taking one of their cars or the one they got me would be too risky. I entered their location into the destination on the app and the ride would cost me 23 dollars. Not that expensive I thought.

Ten minutes later the uber arrived, surprisingly fast. I hurried down to the car and got in. "Are you Joseph?" I asked the man driving. "Yes, and are you, Ingrid?" He questioned back. "Yes I am." He started the car and drove down the long-paved driveway up to the mansion. "How long will the ride take?" I asked Joseph. "Not that long, maybe 20 minutes tops if we hit traffic on the way." He answered never taking his eyes off the road.

A little over 15 minutes later we arrived at the location. It looked like a warehouse of some sorts. I could see their cars just up ahead, so I knew I were at the right location. The warehouse had some windows at eye level around back. I slowly peeked my head up towards the window and peeked inside. It was semi dark outside now, earning me the advantage of not being spotted.

Inside there were many men dressed in black suits walking about with heavy duty weaponry in their hands. I did not like this one bit. I looked around further and saw North standing over something or someone on the floor. The glass was a little foggy, so it was difficult to make out clearly. The lighting in the warehouse was also not that great.

Why are they here? What kind of business are they doing in this sort of place. If it was connected to Owen, I could not understand it. Owen was the CEO of a big tech company in downtown New York, this was 15 minutes from our house in the opposite direction from the city.

I decided to try and find a way inside while not being detected. I bent my head a little, so the top half of my head was not visible through the window. I doubt they would see me either way since it was pretty dark outside, but better to be safe than sorry.

I crept silently and slowly around the building, being mindful of twigs and other things that could either make me trip and fall or make a sound. I was absolutely sure that the men inside dressed in suits were the shoot first, ask questions later type, and I did not want to take that risk.

Around the corner I spotted a garage door that was left slightly open. It was not much, but if I tried, I think I could get under the door without making little to no noise. I bent down by the edge of the door to look around and see if the coast was clear. I heard someone scream out in pain. It was a scream one would let out if one were in agonizing pain. The hairs on the back of my neck and arms stood up.

When I saw the coast was clear I lay down on my back and used the door to push my body inside. The ground was a mix of grass and small pebbles. The grass was slightly damp making me wet, but that was the least of my problems now. A mixture of voices and screaming met my ears as I got inside the small storage place. A door was to my left and I crept towards in almost a crouched position. I could now easily hear and see inside the warehouse.

It was big and worn down, it had probably been abandoned a long time ago. I could see that nature were beginning to take over the inside. Three branches, grass, flowers, and roots were along the walls, almost making it incapsulated to some sorts. There were dark spots around the concrete flooring, probably dirt or oil left behind from when it was still in use.

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