Chapter 6

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Ingrid POV.

I could hear them talking down stair especially Gabe screaming at who I assumed was Owen. I knew this was my chance. I ran into the bathroom turning on the shower. I rushed into my room taking out a medium sized backpack before stuffing it with all the essentials I might need. Passport, phone, charger, clothes and whatever else I needed. I got online and booked the first flight out of New York deciding on Copenhagen. My brother lived there with his wife of two years, and I thought that it would give me a little head start. I looked out my window. It was on the second floor, but a small roof was situated below my window. I could make my escape through there.

I knew it would not be long before at least one of them sought me out begging to talk, but I was beyond that. I wanted out of here before they kill me.

I lowered myself down on the small roof with my backpack secured around my waits and chest. Once I reached the ground I started running. I decided to turn off my phone so they could not track me or my movements. After I had ran for about twenty minutes, I came upon a bus stop. The time charts told me that a buss would be traveling by in about seven minutes stopping right by a busy street on the outskirt of New York.

After what felt like an eternity the bus finally got here. I walked in by the front paying the driver with the little cash I had on me. I found myself a seat and leaned back finally feeling like I could breath. The ride surprisingly didn't take long and sooner than I would like we arrived at the stop I would need to get off on. I walked around for a bit, stopping by an atm to take out some money. They could track my cards if I used theirs. I still had my bankcard I got whilst living in Norway, one that they did not have access to. I decided to take out three thousand dollars. That should keep me going for a while before running out of cash. I took out a few twenty-dollar bills from the cash stuffing them in my front pocket before stuffing the rest in a room deep inside my backpack.

I flagged down a taxi and asked them to take me to the nearest train station. When I got there, I paid the taxi driver before getting out and walking inside. I made sure to make myself visible throughout the stations in case they managed to track me here. I walked up to the ticket stand and bought a ticket for the first train leaving the station. I didn't bother to look at where the train was going, I was not going to be on that train anyway. I got inside a restroom and changed my clothes before stuffing the clothes I used in the trash.

Once I was outside, I flagged down another taxi asking the driver to take me to the airport. My flight was leaving in four hours, so I didn't have that much time on my hands. By now the guys must have realized I was gone and had probably started a search party. The drive to the airport took longer than expected, hitting traffic. We were stuck for almost an hour before we finally could drive at almost normal speed again.

I paid the driver and got out of the car, walking inside the airport. It was busy with people from all over the world walking around with what looked like a mission. Some people were running, and other people were constantly checking around for their children. Children, something I hoped we could have someday. This probably were never going to happen now.

The line through the security checkpoint was long and it took me nearly 30 minutes to get through, this meant I only had a little over two hours to find my gate and get something to eat. I had not eaten anything since dinner I made for them around four o'clock and it was now nearing eleven o'clock at night. I was hungry and exhausted.

There was a small burger place that was open not too far from my gate, so I sat down there and ordered some food. I would miss this, easy excess to fast food at every hour of the day. After I had eaten, I was ready to board the plane and leave behind my life and degree in America.

(Three years later)

I was on my way to walk when I though I spotted Brandon on the other side of the street. I had managed to successfully avoid the guys for a little over three years, never staying in the same city twice and jumping between country after country. I was currently situated in Stockholm, Sweden working at one of the hospitals here as a pediatric doctor. I have been living here for almost six months, which is the longest I have ever stayed in the same location.

I changed my name along with cutting almost all contact with my family. That was the hardest part. When I arrived I Copenhagen three years ago my brother and his wife met me at the airport. His wife was then four months pregnant. My brother Isak was planning on telling me a week later, but there was no hiding his wife Greta's belly that was growing a little faster considering she was having twins. I had yet to meet the babies. After what my brother told me they turned out to be one girl named Lisa and one boy named Anders.

Most nights I would dream about the guys and them finding me. Mostly it ended with us getting together and living happily ever after, but sometimes, and those were the one that would remind me of why I left, ended in me getting tortured and dying a painful death after Raven cut off my fingers and force fed them to me.

My heart was trying to tell me that they could never hurt me, and that if they wanted to, they would have done it a long time before I cough them, but my head was telling me they are dangerous and to stay away and hidden. I knew too much for them to let me live.

My thoughts throughout the day would consist of them. Everything reminded me of them, especially considering my chose of career. Sean was always big on babies and would probably be gushing at the sight of them. Sometimes I expected him to stand by the nicu, staring at the small babies in their incubators.

I had managed to finish my degree online. It took some convincing to get the school to agree to my decision, but after I told a little lie about one of my family members being in an accident and I needed to be there for them, they agreed. I could have kissed Corey and Victor for teaching me hacking, I managed to forge an accident report as the proof they needed.

Thru the years of living on "the run" I have been on a few dates, mainly to try falling out of love with the guys, but no one lived up to them. I don't know why my heart can't let go, but I still cling on to a sliver of hope that they one day would come and get me. 

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