Chapter 2

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I stared down at the ticket and accompanying note in my hands, the plans to leave immediately for Annapolis quickly fleeing from my mind. Someone had sent me a ticket to Scotland. For years, I'd dreamed of seeing the beautiful rolling green countryside and exploring the cobblestone streets. And now, there was an opportunity right at my fingertips. But was it real?

The words on the note swooped together as I attempted to read:

For you, book lover and adventure-seeker:

Take this ticket to Scotland for a way to get away from the hardships that burden your heart. The plane leaves on Tuesday, December 12th at 7pm from Dulles International Airport. 

If you choose to partake, you'll find Fionn MacLeod, owner of MacLeod's Book Emporium at: 21 Dunn Street.

May you find what you're looking for in the famous book town, Wigtown.

I dug my phone out of my purse and called Sydney.

"Em?" she answered on the second ring. "I thought you were leaving for Brena's. Is everything alright?"

"Syd, someone sent me a ticket to Scotland," I said, placing the phone on speaker so I could hold the note in my hands.

"Oh my god, that's amazing! Who was it?" From the background, I could hear the clanking of dishes and the voices of her roommates.

"I have no idea." Sitting down, I peered closer at the contents of the envelope and read the note aloud. "Do you think I should go?"

"Hell yeah!" she responded before I barely finished asking the question. "Em, this has to be the opportunity of a lifetime. Do you know how many amazing bookshops they have in Scotland?"

I glanced at the note again. "How do we know it's even legit? For all we know it could be a serial killer."

Sydney snorted. "I doubt a serial killer would write you a note."


"I think it sounds like a fantastic opportunity. When did it say you would go?"

My gaze scanned over the ticket. "Next week. I would still have the weekend with Brena and then I'd leave on Tuesday."

"That's perfect!" Sydney said. "It's just enough time to get some time off but also to make sure you don't back out."

I laughed. "You really wanna get rid of me? I'm not gonna go that easy." Even though I couldn't see her, I could feel Sydney rolling her eyes on the other end.

"No, of course not. But getting away from here might be a good way for you to cleanse yourself from Kyle."

"That's true." I glanced at the clock. 4:40 pm. I really needed to head out if I was going to beat the rush.

"Just think about it, Emilie," Sydney said. "I'll see you tomorrow at brunch."

"See you then." I ended the call and blinked at the ticket. Now that I looked closer, it was for one-way only.

Why would someone send me a one-way ticket? I shoved a pair of chunky heels in the bottom of my suitcase.

In fact, why would someone send me a ticket at all?

I slammed my trunk closed.

If I went, I was sure to find out. After all, it had been months since I did anything spontaneous, and anything previously spur-of-the-moment had been tainted by Kyle.

Maybe I just needed another opinion.

Maybe it could be a second chance for love.

I shook my head. Doubtful. If I was going to Scotland, it would be for the books, not the guys.

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