Chapter 3

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The three-paned mirror held three different images of me as I stood in the maid of honor dress that Brena chose for her wedding. The deep wine color complemented my fair complexion. A thin silver band circled my waist with silver accents on the top of the straps.

"Oh, Em. You look gorgeous," Brena said.

I turned, grinning. The skirt swished around my legs. "Thanks. This really is a wonderful color."

"I knew it would look good on you. That's why I picked it." She came to stand next to me in the mirror as the dress attendant acknowledged me with a pincushion. "Hem it just a little at the bottom. And we'll want to cinch the waist a bit."

The attendant nodded, lifting the fabric between her fingers and adding in the pins. After a few minutes, she helped me off the stand so I could go change. Once I was back in my street clothes, Brena looped her arm through mine.

"Where to now?" I asked.

"Brunch," she replied, pointing to the little cafe across the street. "We're meeting Syd and some of the other bridesmaids there."

We walked across the street where we were immediately greeted by Sydney and two other girls who Brena had chosen as her bridesmaids. After exchanging hugs and confirming that our party was all here, the hostess led us through the cafe to a table set up on the back patio that overlooked the water.

"Great choice for brunch, Bren," Sydney commented, flipping her silky black hair over her right shoulder. "This view is immaculate."

Brena smiled, her brown eyes wide with joy. "Thanks. This is actually where Jared proposed to me." Her diamond engagement ring sparkled in the late morning light.

"Oh yeah," I said. "Their proposal story is so sweet." I bumped her leg with mine, urging her to tell it.

Our waiter came over with a pitcher of mimosas, leaning over the table to fill each of our glasses in turn. Once he had left, Brena raised hers in the air.

"Before we do that, I'd like to propose a toast," she announced. "To my best friends. I love each of you so much and can't wait to take you on this new adventure with me." She glanced at me. "May you all find your happiness the way I've found mine. Cheers!"

"Cheers!" we echoed. Our glasses clinked against one another in celebration. I lifted the glass to my lips, and the liquid slipped down my throat leaving a tingle of fizz against my tongue.

The moment was bittersweet, but I was proud to be there. Seeing the way Jared made Brena so happy gave me hope that I could find my true happiness someday.


The rest of the weekend went by in a blur. Before I knew it, Brena was hugging me as Jared helped to load my suitcase into the trunk of my car.

"Thanks for having me over," I said as we parted ways.

"Absolutely. You're welcome any time." Brena squeezed my hand. The ends of her box braids danced in the wind. "We'll see you soon, Em. Next time, I'll come to Baltimore."

Monday afternoon I walked through the library, pushing a cart of books and listening to my latest of favorite classic rock hits. Dust particles danced in the light above the tops of the shelves as the sun hit the window panes at just the right angle. I clicked the volume button on my earbuds to raise the music louder, bopping my head in time as Bon Jovi sang about hard times.

After a weekend to think about it, I still wasn't sure if I would be going to Scotland. The idea sounded great in my head, but anytime I thought back to Brena's words "maybe you'll meet someone," I recoiled.

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