14-Homecoming Part 2

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"Shane I really don't want to dance right now." I tried to step out of his grip but he was holding on too tight.
"Shane let me freaking go!"

"One dance, Eleanor. Just while she's looking."

"She? Wha-!"

I didn't have a chance to finish. Why?

Because Shane was freaking kissing me.

Now I'm not one of those helpless heroines. I summoned my inner ninja and kicked him. Hard. And in a rather sensitive place.

And then I ran. Ran straight outside, into the dark, until I collapsed. Where I collapsed I tried to cry, but the thing was...well, I was too angry. I felt used.

See, the thing is I knew Shane was waiting until a special girl was looking until he kissed me. A special girl with pretty blonde hair and a freaking attractive drum major on her arm.

I didn't quite understand though. Why use me to make Lillian jealous? And why did the stars align so that Lincoln had to see the kiss too?

One thing struck me though. When I had kicked Shane back, Lincoln's head was turned away. He had stopped watching.

My anger was overwhelmingly satisfying. I had a hit list in my head now. "Shane Hendres, prepare to die." those whispered words echoed in the dark night. My name is Eleanor Blythe, and I meant business.

A shadow appeared next to me.

I didn't even want to turn around and face the humiliation the would come.

"Hey." An unexpected voice spoke through the darkness as I sat huddled on the grass.


"Ellie?" His voice was gentle.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly and then, unfortunately, I began to cry.

"What just happened?" He asked and I wanted to slap him. That had to be the stupidest thing he'd ever said and he rarely says stupid things.

"I'm sure I don't have to explain it to you. You saw it clearer than I probably did." I snapped at him. He walked closer to where I was sitting and unexpectedly sat down next to me. I was almost sure his fancy and pressed tuxedo would be stained but I wasn't about to tell him that.

We remained quiet for a while. I stared ahead of me inside a pit of darkness while Lincoln pulled at the grass in front of him.

"I'm sorry that happened." Lincoln said out of the blue. I don't look at him.

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything." I asked him shakily. I was still trying to calm the fumes inside of me.

"I didn't do anything to try and stop it."

"Obviously." I scoffed. He looked at me. His mouth was open slightly as if he wanted to say something but nothing came out.

"Where's your precious date?" I questioned him, looking out towards the darkness once more.

He was half smiling, and looking at me too closely. I wasn't used to being looked at like that. I was afraid something gushy was going to come out, but then he relaxed.

"All I can say is you're kind of awesome for breaking out freaking kung-fu. Remind me to not make you mad."

I tried to glare at him, but I don't think it was effective. The parking lot in front of us was dark and full of cars. The brick wall on our back felt cool, and I'm pretty sure dirt was getting all over my dress from sitting on the ground. Honestly, I didn't care at all.

"So where's Lillian?" I had stopped crying a while ago, but my cheeks still felt stiff from the dried tears.

Lincoln played with his fingers. "The first two tap, last two tap, fold your thumbs..." I heard him mutter. Then he looked up, acknowledging my question.

"Lillian's probably still in there, giggling and flapping her wings or something."

I actually laughed before I could help it. "Well well well, that wasn't very nice for Mr.Im-Perfect-At-Everything."

He grinned. "So I'm perfect now?"

"No. It was an expression based off of the public opinion of you."

"Okayyyyyy." He did this weird eyebrow wiggling thing.

We both sat there silently, staring out into the starry night time sky. I noticed Lincoln sit up slightly and I was sure he was going to say something before


Fireworks! Wait...no...
A gunshot.

We both turned our heads to the school where screams came from. My heart was beating out of my chest. I quickly looked at Lincoln. His face only showed shock and disbelief.

Then someone ran out of the school. She was screaming and crying, her hair a mess. She didn't notice us sitting only a few yards away. She only ran, screaming:

"Help!!! Someone's been shot! Call 911! Hurry!!!!"

Wait what?


Dun dun duuuunnnn!!! Big cliffhanger for you guys!

Any guesses of what happened?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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