7•Time to Tutor

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~some random girl as Emily above~

-Lincoln's POV-

I groan, tapping my foot and looking down at my watch. A sigh escapes my lips and I run a hand through my ruffled hair.

Eleanor was suppose to meet me here five minutes ago for our tutoring session and she's not here. I'm seriously thinking of just leaving but then Carl would yell at me.

Suddenly, Emily turns around the corner and my head wants to explode. She smiles at me, showing her pearly white teeth as she makes her way to me.

"What are you doing here, stranger?" she asks and places a hand on my arm.

"I'm having a tutoring session with Eleanor." I tell her, cautiously removing her hand from my arm.

"Ugh the new girl. She really is so behind. I don't know why they didn't ask me to do it, I would whip her into shape." Emily says bluntly.

"Well it was my job, so I gotta do it." I tell her honestly, looking down at the clipboard of notes.

"Oh come on Lincoln. Obviously she's not gonna show, so why don't you put that stuff away and we can get out of here. Go get some dinner, a movie..." she starts.

"Emily, I've for a job to do. You're not being such a great drum major by trying to end a marching rehearsal to help us get better." I tell her and out of the corner of my eye I spot Eleanor peaking through the door.

I stand straight and look at her.

"You're late." I say straightforward. She bites her lip and shrugs.

"It was only 10 minutes. It's not that big of a deal." Eleanor speaks up, walking into the room where Emily and I stand. Emily gives Eleanor what seems like a death glare.

"Sorry to waste your precious time." Eleanor says sarcastically, waving her hands in the air.

"We could've already been on the field, starting our session. We could've been done ten minutes earlier but since someone doesn't seem to care, I guess we will have to work a little harder and a little longer." I tell her and her mouth drops at my speech.

I see Emily give Eleanor a smirk and I'm confused as to why. She thinks I told Eleanor off just because and she's happy that I seem to hate her.

"I'm sorry. I won't be late next time." Eleanor surrenders and I'm utterly shocked.

"Well, have a great lesson." Emily says as she begins walking, (more like strutting) out the door, leaving Eleanor and I alone in the band room.

"Well come on. Let's get going."


"Ok go ahead and go to set." I tell Eleanor. We've been on the field about five minutes and we are just beginning to get some muscle memory.

She sighs before holding her baritone up at set. The first few seconds seem to be going fine but after about a minute I can see her tense and her arms begin to shake. She's a lean girl with not a ton of muscle...yet.

"Here, try relaxing your shoulders. Don't be so stiff. And pull your elbows apart a little, to balance the weight of your horn evenly." I teach her. I touch her shoulder and give a little pressure so her shoulders relax. She lets out a sigh.

"There. That should help a little." I say as she continues to hold her horn up. We continue for another five minutes, me reminding her to keep her shoulders relaxed because most of the time she wants to tighten up.

"Ok so we'll keep working on that. Now let's work on some forward to backwards marching. I know you know how to do both but putting them together for a beginner can be difficult." I explain to Eleanor.

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