6 // Humoresque

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The early October morning sun peers feebly behind scattered pewter clouds. It's the start of a normal day in the Chen household as a weary father attempts yet another conversation with his daughter over the breakfast table.

Michelle stares at her bowl of disintegrating wheat cereal, wishing she could Apparate to school like a proper Hogwarts student. Her father has spent the last ten minutes waxing poetic about that forgettable woman from his office, and she would very much like for him to stop.

"Honey, I really do think you would like her. Rose is wonderful, and she'd like to meet you."

Joseph smiles encouragingly at his younger daughter, infusing hopefulness into his gaze.

Michelle tries her best not to roll her eyes. Instead, she drops her spoon and lets it clatter noisily against the ceramic bowl.

"Isn't it a little too soon, Dad?" She asks in a bored tone. "You haven't even been seeing her for long."

"Rose and I have been friends for three years," Joseph replies. "And we've been working together much longer than that."

"Still, you've only been on a few dates. No offense, Dad, but it's not like things are serious."


Her father clears his throat and straightens in his chair. He inhales a deep breath and unclasps his hands. Michelle squirms.

"I'd like to talk to you about that," he says gently.

A dull, sick feeling begins to churn in her stomach. She does not want to hear whatever it is her father has to say. A fuzzy panic descends into her system, catapulting her into high alert. Stammering, she jumps to her feet.

"Um, sure... uh, but it's going to have to wait. I don't want to be late for school."

"Can we talk about this when you come home from school? I could get takeout? What would you like?"

She grabs her bowl and hastily drops it in the sink. "Uh... it doesn't matter to me. Bye, Dad."

With speed to rival a cheetah, Michelle grabs the yellow beanie from a hook near the front door and dashes out of the house.

This can't be happening, she frets as she stomps towards the garage for her bike.

Her father can't be serious about Rose. What's wrong with their family the way it is now? Isn't he happy just being her dad and having her home with him? Or is she not enough?

She sniffs, dragging the sleeve of her sweatshirt across her nose. Dark thoughts flood her mind as she starts to pedal towards school.

First, Josie gets engaged, and now her dad will probably get remarried. If that happens, then what will become of her? Everyone in her family seems to be finding their happiness elsewhere. And once they get their happy endings, will there be anyone left in the world to love her?

Michelle is a tornado of emotion when she arrives at Marbleton in record time. Numb, she trudges from her locker to homeroom, unable to process anything other than the ominous conversation her dad wants to have with her when she comes home.

For once in her life, she wishes she could stay at school forever.

Unfortunately, she has Driver's Ed first thing this morning. It takes her a second to remember that Mr. Kazan has asked the trio to rendezvous outside in front of the school gymnasium, where they await their turn behind the wheel.

When the bell rings, she sneaks past Mrs. Macready in the hallway, whose ramrod back speaks solely of her love for discipline and order. Breathing a sigh of relief, Michelle escapes through the side door leading into the outdoor breezeway.

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