12 // Sonatina

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The weeks following Michelle's tumultuous suspension pass mercifully in peace without so much as a single disturbance in the Force.

As neither she nor her father are prone to demonstrative sentiments, the ice between them melts slowly over time as they apply themselves to housework and mutual space sharing. Joseph is careful to avoid conversation topics that might incite her anger, such as driving practice and his relationship with Rose. And in return, Michelle sees to it that she remembers to clean the bathroom and move the laundry over in a timely manner.

Just like he promised, Ezra accompanies her to school musical auditions. The audition process is more straightforward and trivial than she imagined for it to be. With only Ms. Kennedy and Miss Joy to witness her inexperience and nerves, Michelle sings and dances to the best of her ability, keeping in mind that Ezra will have to subject himself to the same treatment, too.

She has fun in spite of herself, and decides to throw in a few more spins and twirls than necessary. When her audition is over, she curtsies to the teachers with a flourish, a strange sense of accomplishment fizzing in her heart.

Even if nothing amounts from her efforts, she is happy that she tried. Especially since she did not have to do it alone.

By the first of November, the trees become gilded with yellowing leaves that skitter along the roads when they fall. As true autumn sets in, the people of Marbleton don hats and scarves made of bulky yarn to stave off the cold. The shorter days and longer nights makes Michelle sleepier and grumpier than usual, indicated by the permanent scowl on her face during breakfast.

"Coffee?" Joseph suggests, raising his mug.

Michelle narrows her eyes at the black brew of death in his hands.

Her father shrugs and takes a sip. "It's organic and fair trade. You might like it."

"I'll pass."

She rummages the kitchen pantry for cereal and stumbles towards the fridge for milk. With a series of loud plunks and thuds, Michelle pours herself a bowl of Cap'n Crunch and begins to eat with a mournful deportment.

Joseph glances at his younger daughter, awkward and unsure how to say what he wants to say. It didn't take him long to deduce that Michelle was planning to audition for something school-related. After all, she locked herself in her room for hours at night the past two weeks playing the same music over and over again. The thuds and crashes from her bedroom (no doubt from trying to dance) and the subtly marked "D-Day" marked next to today's date on their kitchen calendar told him all he needed to know.

He sighs. It had taken him and Michelle such a long time to become civil again after her suspension, and their connection still feels so fraught and fragile. Unlike his relationship with his eldest, Josie, who is more similar to him in personality and well, everything except for her looks; when it comes to Michelle, Joseph feels rather unequipped, like he is perpetually stumbling around in the dark.

With an inhale, he reminds himself that he does not have the luxury to not be the parent in Michelle's life. Especially since he is the only parent, for now at least. They will have many more hurdles to jump if that were to ever change.

Fifteen-year-old wrath be damned, Joseph sets his paper down and clears his throat.

"So, today's the day, huh?"

Michelle glances at him with a baffled expression. "What?"

"D-Day," he continues, smiling cryptically. "I'm guessing your audition results get posted today?"

"Ugh, I don't want this to be a big deal," she groans. "It was a stupid idea. It's not like I'll get a role or anything."

"I think you have a good chance," Joseph says. "Who wouldn't want to cast you?"

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