9 // Bagatelle

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Michelle returns to school on an overcast Friday morning after enduring her three-day suspension.

She had spent most of her time riding the wooded trails to the Hartley Reservoir, taking her usual peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for solo picnics by the water. It had been calming to rest beneath the great big trees, listening to Sigur Rós on repeat. But in the end, solitude only reminded her of her loneliness, and she felt chastised for her childish behavior towards everyone.

Especially her father.

He had been apologetic the morning after he admonished her, but Michelle was not as quick to forgive. Eventually, when he saw that she would not be moved, Joseph left for the office with an air of defeat.

Michelle approaches the edge of the neighborhood trail behind the Gonzagas' house, stopping when the school track field comes into view. She steadies her bike and assesses the back of Marbleton High like a soldier scanning the battlefield.

It had been deliciously satisfying to see Avery's perfect, pretty face bloom with fresh blood. But now, as she nears the looming school building, Michelle feels only a sense of dread. With a deep breath, she reminds herself that if Hester Prynne could bear her scarlet letter with humility and acceptance, then she can likewise follow suit.

"Ready or not, here I come," she mutters to herself.

Resolved to return with her dignity intact, she hops back onto her bike and pushes forward. But as she enters the building just moments later, Michelle begins to question her own state of mind.

Students give her a wide berth as she walks through the halls. Their disapproving stares and assessing expressions are sharp with judgment. While there are those who do not notice her presence, Michelle cannot shake the sense that somehow in the span of just three days, her notoriety has surpassed that of Voldemort himself.

By the time she reaches her locker, her palms are sweaty and her face hot with embarrassment.

"Chillax, Chen," she mutters to herself, grabbing her books.

She shoves her beanie quickly into her backpack before Vice Principal Macready can make an inopportune appearance. With a quick glance to her left and right, Michelle scurries towards homeroom, praying for a boring and most unremarkable day.

But as luck would have it, her wishes are denied. Ms. Pinkston springs yet another unexpected quiz in Algebra II, and Michelle gets stuck working with Cole Sleet (who chronically sleeps through every class and is typically as high as a kite) for a frog dissection in Biology. In addition, Vice Principal Macready magically appears in the hallway each time Michelle moves from class to class – no doubt to ensure that the yellow beanie stays out of sight.

Though unfortunate, these events are inconsequential to the worst part about coming back to school: facing Avery and her new fan club.

Michelle steps into Ms. Kennedy's choir classroom, her stomach churning with unpleasant sensations. Immediately, she spots a gaggle of wannabe girls flocking around Avery, who perches on the edge of the piano bench.

"It's not broken, but my mom will let me get a nose job if it's crooked after the bruising goes away," Avery says loudly, gesturing gingerly to her face.

Michelle rolls her eyes. Other than some minor purpling around her right eye socket, Avery's nose looks as imperious and obnoxious as it always has. Her punch that day wasn't powerful enough to break any bones. Scowling, Michelle crosses the room and plops into her seat.

"I would have stayed home if my nose looked like that," Tegan remarks. "You are like, so brave."

"They should have expelled that psycho!" Olivia Landry spat. "That crazy chick belongs in a ward!"

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