New Kid pt.2

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TW: Throwing up
This book got a lot of reads out of no where 💀💀 i wasn't even gonna continue it frfr

Kyle followed Stan around awkwardly, it was super silent and it seemed like he didn't even volunteer in the first place. He wanted to get Stan to talk so that's what he'll do.

"Y'know you didn't have to volunteer.. I would've figured it out" Kyle said with a shrug that made him aware of the white tank top not cutting it for the Colorado cold air.

Stan finally stopped and looked at him giving him a nasty full body scan.

"You got a fuckin problem?!" Kyle said crossing his arms feeling defensive to which Stan still stood there now just eyeing Kyle's arms.

"Your not cold?"

Kyle looked out the window seeing the snow covered land giving his body a hint that the school heater isn't doing him much justice.

"I have a jacket it's in one of these lockers"

"Do you wanna grab it?"

Kyle eyes widened before looking away feeling the embarrassing blush creeping up as he didn't remember what locker was his or even the general vicinity of the locker.

"I don't exactly know my locker.."

Stan had an upside down smile and Kyle could've swore his heart stopped beating right there and his body get super warm just from the feeling. He didn't even notice when Stan started shrugging off his black hoodie with the skeleton rib cage lining until it was being held out in his face.

"You could wear my hoodie until we get back to Mx. Garrisons class, he could remind you of your locker"

Kyle had to blink 3 times before processing to take the hoodie with a quick 'Thank you' and pulling it on. Under Stan's hoodie he had a slim fit grey turtleneck on perfectly lining out Stans anatomy which was definitely underweight compared to the average teen. Stan must've been reading Kyles mind as he raised his hands defensively swearing up and down that he eats.

"I just throw up a lot" Was Stan's explanation until he realized that it made Kyles face display need of an answer to that too.

"Shit that sounds fucking horrible— I mean I get really nervous and it makes me just involuntarily throw up" Stan said rushing out the sentence as if it was going to be followed by said vomit.

"Sorry that was a gross dump, you didn't deserve to hear that"

Kyle stared on as Stan still rambled his hands getting noticeably shaky from his anxious tangent.

"Dude it's okay.." Kyle began taking Stan's cold hands into his trying to give him a reassuring smile. Stan nodded before quickly turning around pulling his hands away as he led Kyle on with a tour to the gym.

"Don't let Fatass catch you in here with anyone he believes you have chemistry with, next thing you know your balls deep in a relationship thanks to the tinkering of him" Stan said rolling his eyes and almost as a cue the gym door close with a clink and the last bell rang.

"Say what pretty boy, ya think we have chemistry?" Kyle said with a smirk slinging his arm over Stan.

But Stan couldn't help but focus on the nausea rushing to his weak stomach and his face get hot. He didn't want to get sick on the gymnasium floor especially in-front of the new kid, he might actually go through with throwing in the towel.

"Hey I was just teasing.. you okay?" Kyles voice cut through Stan's train wreck of thoughts and he had a hand on Stan's shoulder looking for eye contact from Stan which he could barley muster.


Kyle looked offended and confused at first before rushing off to the corner of the gym dragging the trash from there for Stan before walking away to give him the privacy of throwing up to save him some dignity.

Stan slumped against the bleachers after his puke fest, he didn't know how to feel. He was locked in the school gymnasium overnight with the cute new kid all because of Cartman. Stan swore to punch him tomorrow morning no matter the outcome.

"Did ya bring a phone with you.?" Kyle started when he walked back over to Stab.

"No.. it's in my locker, I just have my MP3.. you?"

"Also in my locker" Kyle sat next to Stan and slumped in the bleachers right with him.

"Great were stuck.." Stan's voice cracked at the last part, tears wanting to just spill out from the bullshit of the situation but not wanting to ruin his eyeliner.

"Hey dude it's okay, Our parents would notice we're not home.. Hopefully" Kyle whispered more of the last part to himself not wanting to upset Stan even more.

Stan started feeling nauseous again and it was apparent.

"You said you have an MP3 right..? You have the headphones?"

Stan blinked at Kyle about two times before nodding and pulling them out not sure what he was getting at.

"Listen to the music it'll prolly calm you down alright?"

Stan obeyed agreeing with Kyle's conclusion even offering a pod to him who gladly accepted it. They listened to a lot of soft metal and rock and to Stan's surprise there was no complaint from Kyle and before he knew it he was drifting off to sleep on Kyle's shoulder. 


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