Truth or Dare

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Stan, Kenny, Eric, Craig, Tweek, Butters, Bebe, Wendy, Kyle and Clyde were having a small sleepover. It was like a normal sleepover for our age drinks, blasting music, making fun of each other, well Eric was mainly making fun of everyone but still they were having a great time.


Bebe called out pulling everyone into a small circle of pillows and blankets. The pillow fort was a bit childish but it was comfy. Bebe started off first.

"Wendy truth or dare?"

An evil smirk came across her face as Wendy was going to choose

"Ill stay safe so I'll go with Truth"

"Lame ass!" Eric yelled taking a cheese puff off the tray.

"Shut up Cartman! Is it true that you never drank before?"

"Of course, underage drinking is not something that-"

"UGH why can't you just be normal" Eric said throwing cheese puffs at Wendy.

"Your disgusting!" Wendy picked up a pillow and used it as a sheild from the raging cheese puffs.

"It's my turn! Tweek truth or dare?"


"Craig or Coffee"

"Agh um-"

"Why are you even hesitating?! I'm your BOYFRIEND!"

Tweek blushed as Eric made yuck sounds.


"Are you sure that your not only saying that cause he's here?" Kyle teased

"F-Fuck you Kyle!"

"Nah thats Stan's job" Kenny said smiling smugly


"What? it's true!"

Kyle was as red as the curly red hair that stuck out under his green cap

"E-Eric truth or D-Dare?"


Craig whispered something in Tweeks ear he giggled and stared right at Eric.

"Eat a-a bug"


"Oh I would pay to see that" Stan said whipping out ten bucks. Eric snatched the money and threw on the big red coat and marched outside with everyone following behind him with huge smiles.

"How am I supposed to find any bugs in this damn snow?!"

Kenny pointed to a pile of dirt that sat against the house with Eric flipping him off. Everyone stepped into the cold snow wincing at the coldness but was way too excited to be worried about frostbite. Eric glared at every single on of them as he picked up the bug out of the dirt pile. He raised it above his mouth, dropped it, and swallowed

"That was fucking disgusting" Everyone ran back inside jumping right back into the pillow fort as Eric washed him mouth with Pepsi.

"I think I'm gonna be sick"

"Aww hush it" Bebe cooed pinching at his cheeks causing a slight blush on his face.

"Jew truth or dare?"

"Dare fatboy"

"I dare you to sit in Stan's lap"

Kyle face began to burn as everyone else cheered on, Stan just smiled and extended his legs so Kyle could sit in his lap.

"I'm gonna kill you one day..."

Kyle said glaring at Stan. Bebe sat infront of Stan and smiled just like how she was earlier.

"Truth Stan?"

"It's my turn!" Kyle exclaimed jumping up and down in Stans lap.

"I don't think tha-"

"Do you like how close Kyle is to you right now?" Kyle eyes widened and he sunk back into Stans lap taking the sides of his hat hiding his burning red face.


Eric took a blanket and threw it at the two "Get a room! Your sexual tension has warped my fragile little mind"

"Its still my t-" Kyle try to speak up.

"Stanley dare!"

Kenny exclaimed jumping next to him.

"But this-"

"I dare you to kiss Kyle"

Wendy said taking out her phone with Bebe.

"If you kiss infront of me I will throw up" Eric said pulling his hat off. Stan shrugged his shoulders took the sides of Kyle's hat covering their lips pressing a soft kiss on Kyle's lips.

He could hear Craig yell


and Eric laugh and yell.


Stan moved his face away slowly with saliva hanging off both of his and Kyle's lips.

"Oh god it was a wet one!" Cartman yelled beginning to gag in his hat while Wendy, Bebe, and Kenny were literally fan girling as Kyle his his face in Stans pajamas.

"Is it my turn still?"

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