New Kid Pt.3

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When you were here before...

7:24 PM

Kyle stayed awake so far listening to whatever played from Stan's playlist genuinely enjoying the new variety, some of which he knew and a couple of which he didn't. Now 'Creep' by Radiohead was playing and of course Kyle knew the song, admittingly getting emotional from the acoustic version plenty of times before but as he sat here watching Stan sleep feeling some familiar sense from this he couldn't help but resonate with the current song.  

Couldn't look you in the eye..

He seized this moment to take in all of Stan's features and stare as long as he liked. Stan had the most perfect button nose that was a tad rosy with the silver septum, light bags under the eyes, no cupids bow with the most perfect natural shade of hydrated pink lips that complimented his pale skin. Kyle determined right then and there that Stan was perfect. 

Your just like an angel.

Kyle shifted to lay as comfortably as he could on the bleachers shifting Stan to lay on top of him to stay sleep and wrapped his arms around Stan thankful that the gym wasn't absolutely freezing. But as soon as he thought he was done with admiring Stan the smell of mahogany + coconut overtook his senses making it impossible not to think of Stan. Kyle felt defeated, he didn't think the emo kid he met just 10 hours ago would have him this whipped, this fast. 


Stan slowly began to stir awake still with the music playing and feeling warmer then ever before. 


Stan mumbled attempting to sit up before realizing he was locked in Kyles arms. Stan would've jolted in a panic if he didn't enjoy the feeling of being coddled by someone bigger than him for once and he would feel bad if he disrupted Kyle who let him sleep. Stan shuffled closer to Kyles face wanting to see how he looked right now, It was only fair he got to take in his features right?

Kyle's hair was starting to frizz out from his hair gel wearing off and you could see the curly pattern that he usually gelled back, he had a hooked nose, the most perfect cupids bow, and light freckles splattered on his olive skin going down his neck, under the white shirt, leaving the rest to the imagination, his Adonis. Stan felt his face get hot embarrassed that he's even watching Kyle the way he is, flustered out of the whole situation. 

Stan sat up needing to breathe for a second, he pulled his headphone out and put his face in his hands wanting to pull on it but then again not wanting to fuck up his eyeliner. 

"Shit dude I didn't think I would've seen you like this for at least a couple months" 

The groggy voice of Kyle completely cut through Stan's air taking him off guard but he had to react quick.

"Quit that" Stan said getting up with a small kick to Kyles arm that now propped up his head, Kyle sat up for this now. 

"Quit what?" He had a smirk that just screamed kiss me. 

"You know.." 

Stan sat back down and looked away stating to pick at his turtleneck sleeves not wanting to even look at the latter but he was aware of Kyle waiting for the rest of the answer. 

"...The teasing" Stan exasperated. 

"Who said I'm teasing?" 

Kyle leaned in a little with the same smirk still plastered on his face. Stan's eyes widened and he turned to actually face Kyle.

"Your cute, you feel familiar if that makes sense?"

Stan nodded knowing exactly what Kyle meant. He always felt like he was missing this gap that was once apart of one of his lifelines and the moment Kyle walked in thru Mx. Garrison door it was an instant pull. Like Kyle was the sun warming up his entire space, he wouldn't consider himself a moon, not even a star and that warmth was everything to him, like the poets describing past lovers reuniting. 

"Of course we could start as friends or even stay that way" Kyle quickly reassured beginning to go on a tangent, Stan started laugh internally at himself, this was so cheesy and corny and he was loving every moment of it. He would've never thought of him finding his puzzle piece due to the likes of Eric Cartman.

"I like that idea, I'm not gonna spill my life out to you yet, still have to check if your a conformist but we can definitely get to know each other" Stan smiled at Kyle who was now in turn to blush and be flustered. 

Idk if I hate this or love it lmaoooo

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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