I'm Scared

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Warning: Anxiety
Stan's POV
We were all waiting for the bus that was always late. Me and Kenny were having a normal conversation while Kyle and Eric were at each others throats again. It's something that became normal for everyone in town, I just hoped that one day Kyle doesn't kick Eric's ass for teasing him all the time. 


Me and Kenny turned our attention to Kyle who's hands were on the sides of his ushanka were his ears would be, my attention snapped to Eric who himself looked surprised. I kinda knew it was serious, yeah Kyle was prone to anger outburst especially when it came to Cartman but he also use any of his nicknames for Eric. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he looked back so fast that his ushanka came flying off, he had that tweaker look in his eyes.  

"Hey you OK?" 

Kyle picked up his hat covering all the fiery red curls again and kept his gaze down. That was enough conformation for me that something was wrong. Kyle is a person to speak his mind, he doesn't care for others people's opinions and I loved that about him. Eric was still looking at Kyle with a bewildered look and I couldn't help but get mad while Kenny glared at Eric for me. 

"What did you do?!" 

"Nothing! We were making fun of each other then he snapped!" 

I rolled my eyes not believing Cartman bullshit excuse but before I could debate the truth of the situation the bus was already turned and right in front of us. We trudged on the bus and I sat next to Kyle, his expression was so blank and he was as white as the snow outside. 


He turned his head, his big green eyes were glassy and he began to cry.  

"Hey don't cry" 

I pulled him in for a hug and I felt tears drop on my jacket. I pulled away from Kyle and wiped his face. 

"You wanna talk about it?" 

He slowly shook his head and I respected his decision, He placed his head on my shoulder and fell asleep quickly. I loved the sight of Kyle, ushanka tilted half way off his head exposing his ginger curls, with a small line of drool hanging off the side of his mouth and the freckles that grew in our start of Highschool splattered across his face. 

When we arrived at the school I still didn't wake him up he looked so peaceful I couldn't bring myself to do it so I lifted him up on my back. Cartman smiled smugly at me while Kenny snagged a few pictures mumbling "How Instagram worthy" we entered the school and that's when he woke up when we were in front of Mx. Garrison classroom. 

"What the hell?" 

I looked back and smiled. 

"Sleeping beauty has awoken" 

This flustered Kyle easily.

"Y-You could've t-told me to w-wake up" 

"And miss the chance of holding you? Ha fat chance!" 

Kyle began to blush some more as he punched me in my arm. We all sat in our seats as Mx. Garrison taught the lesson I couldn't help but think about my bestfriend, I was still worried from what happened this morning but before I knew it class was over and Kenny pulled me to the side before we made it to our next class. 


"What do you mean?" 

"I mean surely you see there's something wrong with Ky" 

"I don't know what's wrong with him but I'll try to find out and help him okay?" 

Kenny nodded his head slowly but then he saw butters and rushed over to him. I looked up and saw Kyle waiting for me by the door so I grabbed him, pulling him into the boy's bathroom into a stall for privacy. 

"Dude you gotta tell me what's wrong, you were whiter then the damn snow today" 

Kyle shifted around but just decided on sitting on the toilet and I crouched for face to face contact. 

"I'm just scared? Nervous?" 

"Of what?" 

"Of me- you? I'm scared of my feelings" 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Stan I like you, a lot- and it's scary because I don't want to push my bestfriend away because of some stupid crush, I-I don't want to loose you" 

I smiled placing a hand on his freckle covered cheek. 

"I like you too Kyle, a whole lot at that too" 

He began flushing with pink and began to play with the side's of his ushanka. I glanced at his lips then back to him and he nodded so I moved in and pressed a kiss to his mouth then backed out.

 "You good?" 


I pulled him up into a hug then laced our hands together and just as we were about to leave the bathroom I heard a camera shutter then maniac giggles. We gave each other a look but then burst into a fit of laughter ourselves.

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