Can I Kiss you?

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Stan kept glancing at his super bestfriend in class, Kyle didn't see his glances but he couldn't help himself. For the last three months Stan couldn't help but think of Kyle, what it would be like to kiss him, and cuddle with him, and it was so confusing because he also liked girls before, fuck. Kyle looked over to Stan and smiled waving but Stan panicked and looked at his desk writing again only taking a glance to look at Kyle one last time to see a confused expression on his face, I mean he had the right to be confused Stan looked away from him so fast. 


Saved by the bell, Stan got up and threw his backpack over his shoulder ready to bolt it home until there was a tap on his shoulder.


"Hey K-Kyle" God kill me now

"You wanna hang out?"


Stan looked at his desk wondering if it would be too late to bang his head against it repeatedly. The two left with Kenny, Butters, and Eric but all went their separate ways once they had got to the bus stop. Kenny, Butters, and Cartman went to KFC while Stan and Kyle went to the house of course they got teased by Cartman which earned a shut up fatass! from Kyle but they still just hung out. They weren't doing much except battling each other on their phone but Stan couldn't help but get distracted. He would take small glances to look at Kyle who looked adorable as he looked at his phone with his tounge sticking out ever so slightly and his eyebrows together. Stan paused the game and moved his head off of Kyle's lap.



"C-Can I kiss you?"


"Cause I want to"

"Holy shit that fat fuck was right all along, your fucking gay?!"

"No! I'm n- I don't know that's why I kinda wanna try"

"Can't you kiss Kenny or something instead?"

"I don't want to kiss Kenny. i want to kiss you"

Kyle was blushing profusely and his eyes were wide.

"Oh Fuck, I can't believe you Stan, Fuck..."

"Is that a yes?"

"It's not a no..."

Stan nodded and turned to face Kyle pressing his lips on Kyle's who definitely returned it, it was a short kiss then they pulled away. Stan liked that feeling, he liked it alot maybe he was Bisexual. Stan reached back to kiss Kyle again who wrapped his arms around Stan's neck bringing him closer and deepening their second kiss. When they pulled away the two were breathless and red, but they both shared the same small smile.

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