A New Insurgency

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Zamok Archipielago
Libertad island
Libertad HQ
7:00 AM

Dani Rojas:
I wake up to another beautiful Yaran sunrise and the music of Maximus Matanzas playing over the radio. I put on a fresh pair of clothes and head head outside to see that Juan already has the BBQ fired up. "New week new insurgency Dani, better eat up and get to it" he says as he hands me a plate of food. "It's been months Juan, don't you think all these Castillo fanatics would've been killed off or given up by now?" I ask him. "Anton had a lot of influence, even after his death we're still witnessing his power. Don't worry though, you'll win back your country one of these days" he says to me as he gets his own plate of food and sits down next to me.

"Yeah but then what would I do Juan? Stay around here and build Supremos all day to use on the fish?" I ask him jokingly. "Haha, making Supremos is fun Dani! But I can't see you doing it, not your thing" he says to me. "Sounds like your calling me dumb. What could you see me doing then?" I ask but this time a bit more seriously. "After Yara has been restored, you settle down, maybe give leadership a try, find a special guy or gal and start a family" Juan says before I cut him off. "Whoa whoa whoa, really Juan? Marriage? I don't even do dating. And that whole leadership thing was more Clara's thing, I don't think I'll ever be able to lead like she did" I tell him

"Clara was an amazing leader, I wish she could see the day when you finally free Yara from these insurgents. But seriously Dani, Yara has millions of people to choose from, be it many of them probably can't handle you, but you have to slow down one of these days, and you'll appreciate having someone there when you do" Juan tells me in a meaningful tone. "Slow down? Just like how you slowed down huh" I say to him, lightening the mood. "Slowing down just isn't in my DNA Dani" he says to me as gets up and goes back over to the grill. "What if it's not in my DNA either?" I ask him sarcastically. "Your young Dani, you'll see, you want seconds though?" He asks me in return.

"I think I'll be right, I'm gonna get started on tracking down this insurgent leader" I tell him as I get up and grab a Libertad modified AS-VAL from beside me before walking over to the dock.

Find a relationship? I think Juan is finally loosing it

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Find a relationship? I think Juan is finally loosing it. Doesn't even know who he's talking to anymore. "Hey Dani we're about to head to the mainland, did you want a lift?" A Libertad rebel asks me. "Yeah sure, reckon you could drop me near Lola?" I ask him. "Of course" he answers back. I take seat at the very front of the boat as the engine starts up and we start heading to the mainland.

5 Minutes Later

We arrive at the Sureño Shipyards in Sierra Perdida to see that it has been reclaimed by FND soldados

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We arrive at the Sureño Shipyards in Sierra Perdida to see that it has been reclaimed by FND soldados. I guess I better capture this FND base before going to talk to Lola about this new Insurgent leader. "Stay here until things go loud" I tell the other guerrillas before sneaking up the stairs and hiding behind a heap of scrap metal. Alot of soldados here, I wonder why that is. I make my way through the shipyard taking out lone guards until I get to the front of the base where I see a large group of soldados. Just the normal FND grunts as usual but the other ones they're talking to look different. A New variant of Special Forces?

I fall back a bit and climb halfway up the crane to get an overview of what's happening. In the end climbing all the way up here didn't help at all. Still got no clue who these guys are or what they're doing here. Surely a shipyard doesn't hold that much strategic importance. I scan around to see what else I can see but other then some FND soldados scrubbing off Libertad art, nothing. That is until I hear gunshots coming from our boat. Ugh amateurs. Guess I get to see how good these new Special Forces guys are though.

I get ready to fight them but nothing. The normal FND soldados are running around fighting the guerrillas below me but the spec ops guys just stand around not doing anything. Can they not hear the gunfight happening 10 metres away from them? I start fighting the FND grunts, making sure no one gets the alarms until all of them are dead. Amongst the gunfight though I didn't notice the Special Forces get in their cars and leave. What the fuck was that? Why carry a gun and where tactical body armour if your just gonna run away?

I guess this is why the Castillo regime isn't a thing anymore. I think to myself as I climb down the ladder. "Hey Dani, sorry about going loud but thank you for taking care of those soldados for us" one of the guerrillas says to me. "Oh yeah I didn't really do anything but sure" I tell her before taking an FND car and starting the long journey to Patriotas Peak.

45 Minutes Later

I finally arrive at Patriotas Peak after a long hike and head straight to Lola who appears to be in a bit of a panic

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I finally arrive at Patriotas Peak after a long hike and head straight to Lola who appears to be in a bit of a panic. "Hey Lola, you doing okay?" I ask her. "Dani it's so good to see you, this new insurgency is a big deal, big, big deal Dani!" She shouts at me. "Whoa Lola calm down, what's this big big deal that's got you so freaked out?" I ask her. "This new insurgency has taken control over the entirety of El Este, Isla Santuario, Aguas Lindas and Barrial!" She shouts at me. "Okay chill, that's a lot of land but that just means their forces are stretched thinner" I tell her calmly. "They're not Yaran Dani, they're Mercenaries hired to take back Yara for a General Alejandro Castillo" she tells me.

"A Castillo? That's impossible" I tell her. "Better believe it Dani, not only that but he's hired two warlords to command an new Army of armoured soldiers and an Army of intelligence gathers, then to top it off and in charge of it all, a guns for hire mercenary to act as Alejandro's right hand man" she tells me. Wow Lola, way to overload my brain, try putting it in simpler terms next time. That is if there is a next time.

"Ummmm, you got a thing I can just read it off of Lola?" I ask her. "Yeah here take it, but you better hurry Dani, this isn't good" she says as she hands me a folder with a bunch of information in it. I give her a nod before walking off and finding a quiet place by the waterfall where I can read and summarise everything.

Insurgency Summary

Province: El Este, Isla Santuario, Aquas Lindas, Barrial.

Leader: General Alejandro Castillo

Sub leader: Unknown

Armoured Division Commander: Commander El Diablo

Intelligence Division Commander: Unknown

Available Soldados: 200-1000 soldados + Hired Mercenaries

Great, it's not like I care who I have to kill, I just want to know where they are so I can kill them. With the folder telling me nothing useful other than there being a Castillo, multiple commanders and what provinces to look in, I begin my liberation of Yara. Again.

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