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3:00 PM

I wake up and I'm in some fancy looking room. Where the fuck am I? I look at the door and I see a nurse walk by. As she walks by she sees me and comes in to check on me. "Hey how are you feeling?" She asks me. "I got a headache but where am I?" I ask in return. "Esperanza, Torre Del León to be exact" she tells me. I give her a nod before getting up and wondering through the hallways. "Oh sir! I advise against doing that!" The nurse shouts at me as she runs behind me.

"Why's that?" I ask her as I keep walking. "Well the main force here isn't the regime anymore, so I don't think you should be walking the halls" she tells me as she catches up and we enter an elevator. "So Dani is in charge? Where is she?" I ask the nurse. She shrugs her shoulders and the elevator door opens up on the top floor. This is the right place. Definitely doesn't sound like the right time because of all the yelling but all the important Libertad members are here. Juan, Camila, Yelena, a few others that I don't really know but she's also here. Dani Rojas.

I gaze upon her beauty as I step out the elevator and walk towards her. "Dani!" I shout out. Everyone turns to face me and the room goes silent. "Sorry miss Rojas, I tried to stop him but I couldn't" the nurse tells Dani. She tried stopping me? Weak attempt then I guess. "No no no it's okay" Dani replies to the nurse as she quickly walks up to me and gives me a big hug. "Are you okay?" She asks me as she pulls away from me. "Yeah yeah I'm fine, what's going on here though?" I ask her.

"Being forced to become Yara's first ever La Presidente" she tells me. "That's good isn't it? You'll be able to lead Yara the way you want to" I tell her. She rolls her eyes and walks back over the the others, gathered around a table. "That's what we told her, she doesn't want to though" Juan tells me. I walk up to Dani and grab her hand which makes her look up at me with joy. "Come on Dani, you have to do this" I tell her. She pulls her arm away from me and goes to sit on a couch.

"Come on Dani, stop being a fucking child, your what Yara needs right now!" Camila yells out to Dani. "Y:N said he'll stay in Yara if he gets to date the leader. If that's not you then I guess that's Camila" Juan tells Dani. I stay quiet to see how this goes. Dani gets up and jogs up to us, what the fuck Camila, since when did you care about Y:N" she says to her. Is Dani jealous? "Well I mean if your not leading Yara then I guess I will, leader gets Y:N" Camila answers. "Fuck you then I'll lead Yara, I don't want to be La Presidente though" she complains.

"Is it possible to make yourself a queen?" I ask her. She looks around at the others as if she was waiting for them the say something. Wow is she actually just going to become a queen? That's kind of cool. "well if no one has a problem with it then I'm a queen now" she tells everyone. Everyone seems to nod their head. As long as she's in control it doesn't really matter.

"Wait we're dating right?" Dani asks me. Damn now the situation is feelings based. "Last time I checked we were" I tell her. She walks over and gives me a quick kiss. It's cute how awkward she still is. "That would make you the king then wouldn't it?" She asks me. "If that's what you want, your majesty" I say to her jokingly. She giggles and gives me a hug. "I'm glad you two are happy playing king and queen but he's not king" Yelena tells Dani

"I'm a queen so why not?" Dani asks her. "Because that's just not how it works Dani, just stick to being La Presidente" Yelena tells Dani. "That's boring though" Dani complains. "Come on Dani, you really gonna call owning a country boring?" I say to her. "She leads the country, doesn't own it. And we got our eyes on you, so don't try anything" Yelena tells me. I put my hands up as a sign of innocence as I walk behind Dani. No one is going to try and kill me if I'm around Dani, it's a win win. "So your going to be watching us fuck?" Dani asks her, clearly trying to be cheeky.

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