Loosing someone you love

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Location Unknown
2:00 PM

We arrive at the location we were travelling to within an hour after the ambush. I didn't say anything to Y:N on the way here though and I really regret doing so. I help Y:N off the back of the car and we start walking towards a building. Looking around I can figure out that not many people here are a big fan of Y:N. At the entrance one of the guerillas on guard even tells me to put him through hell. Yeah no, that's not going to happen.

We enter a room with a table in it and a bunch of chairs around it. Sitting at the table also seems to be the leaders of every group. I sit Y:N at one head of the table before taking a seat myself. "You feeling any better?" Yelena asks me as she gets up and starts walking towards us. A few others get up and walk over to our side of the table as well. "Yeah I'm feeling a bit better I guess" I tell her. Back at the ambush I was alot more angry at her, but that's only because she tried to kill Y:N.

"Good, I'm guessing you have alot to give back to your friend here, won't keep you waiting" Yelena says to me before Juan hits Y:N with a baton, causing him to scream out in pain. I quickly get up and grab the gun from Juan's holster and point it at the back of his head. "Back off Juan" I tell him. He takes a few steps forward before turning around to face me. "The fuck has he done to you Dani?" He asks me as he drops the baton. I go over and hold Y:N on the arm. "Are you okay?" I ask him. Y:N

Dani holds my arm and I look up at her with a glare. If these weren't your friends I would kill them where they stand. Dani grabs me by the arm and stands me up. "Come on Y:N let's go" she says to me as we start walking towards the exit. "We respect you Dani but yous aren't going anywhere, we need to figure some things out" Juan tells Dani as he steps infront of us. Camila grabs my other arm and pulls me away from Dani and we walk outside. We don't go far though, just to a tree partially surrounded by bushes before she cuts the tape off of my hands and puts them around the back of the tree.

I could could easily take her on right now and win, I'm not sure how Dani would react though. Probably kick my ass. Two more guerillas come over so I choose not to do anything as Camila ties my hands behind the tree with a zip tie. "Do I need to tie you up to Dani or are you going to be normal?" Camila asks her. "Define normal?" Dani asks. No one seems to be interested in answering that question since everyone walks away, leaving me tied to a tree and Dani standing beside me.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be okay" Dani tells me as she takes a seat beside me. "Okay I trust you, your turn to be in charge for a bit I guess" I say to her. "In charge? You weren't in charge of me before this" she says to me sternly. Oh shit, guess that didn't sit well with her. We sit there in silence for a couple minutes until she starts making random noises and tapping on her legs. "Why are you just sitting here with me? Don't you have something else you want to do now that your free?" I ask her.

"Not really. Am I annoying you though?" She asks me in return. "No it's fine, I like you being around it's just I feel like you should go do your own things now that you have time to" I tell her. "Hmmm yeah I guess there's a few things I should go do... You going to be here when I get back?" She asks me as she stands up. Seriously? I'm tied to a tree Dani. I glare at her and she quickly realises how dumb her question was. "Oh sorry, well I'll be back soon then" Dani tells me before walking off.

Multiple hours later

The sun has almost completely set by the time Dani returns. "Sorry I took so long, I was sorting things out with everyone else" she tells me as she cuts me loose from the tree. I stand up and stretch a bit before looking over towards the camp fires that the guerillas started lighting. "And what decision did you come to?" I ask her. "Well I can't really tell you that, but I managed to get them to agree with letting you come over with everyone else. As long as I keep my eye on you, and we don't walk off away from everyone else, and we have to check in with each leader of Libertad every half an hour, and..." Dani explains to me as she lists off an endless set of rules before I cut her off.

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