Strike 2

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Zamok Archipielago
Libertad island
Libertad HQ
7:00 AM

Dani Rojas:
"Juan"! I yell out as I walk into his bunker. "Dani! What do you need?" He yells back at me. "What do you know about these new soldados?" I ask him. "Not much more then what you do Dani, go throw hands with some of them and find out. However I do know how they're all getting payed" he says to me. "Old Castillo riches?" I guess. "Well yes, but you can't be everywhere at once Dani, some PG240X made it out of Yara". Juan tells me.

"This new Castillo is paying mercenaries with money that he got from selling lethal weapons?" I ask him to make things more clear. "That's right Dani, which means Alejandro probably has more of it laying around. Go to the La Joya Chemical Plant in El Este, if they're producing it then that's where it it'd be" Juan tells me. "Right, on it Juan" I say before leaving for the plant.

I arrive at the chemical plant at night time and scout the perimeter

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I arrive at the chemical plant at night time and scout the perimeter. Hm no one's here, the plant seems to be operational though. I make my way into the main building carefully and look around. Something doesn't feel right about this. Just as I'm thinking this to myself, spotlights turn on from the catwalks above me and blind me. Ugh. Fuck. I try covering my eyes from the light and looking around for threats.

The lights dim down and I can see that soldiers line the catwalk above me and there's one Infront of me too. "Well Dani, I guess we can call this your second strike" Y:N says as he walks towards me. "Coño, seriously?" I say to him as he stands infront of me. "It's almost like I knew you would be here" he says to me in a cocky tone. "No fucking shit, but what if I didn't come, what then?" I ask him

"Would've wasted a bit of time and not been able to talk to you" he answers. "Mhm and what did you want to talk about" I ask as I check how many soldados are in the room. 18. Outgunned again. I see him looking around the room to before he answers me. "Meet me in Segunda tomorrow at El Toro square, around one in the afternoon if you can"

"Hm okay but why, and what if your trying to pull something to get your third strike since your playing with my life like it's a game" I ask him. "I promise no tricks" he tells me. He's so different from the other soldados, could just be that he's not from Yara so he doesn't give a shit about me but like, damn. "Sure, I'll meet you there at 1:00 in the afternoon, I guess I just leave now?" I say to him as I turn and walk to the door. "Yeah see you tomorrow, and please don't come equipped for a war, just wear something normal" he tells me as he looks me up and down, clearly judging me for what I'm wearing. "Jeez okay, I'll wear something nice, see you tomorrow" I say to him before leaving the building.

 "Jeez okay, I'll wear something nice, see you tomorrow" I say to him before leaving the building

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I arrive in Segunda at El Toro square a couple minutes before 1:00 PM to wait for Y:N. A few minutes pass by and I spot him enter the town square so I go over to meet him. Carefully I walk up behind him and tap him on one shoulder before moving to the other side. He doesn't fall for it however and just turns to the side I'm standing on. "Think your tricky Dani?" He asks me. "Know I am" I say back to him

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about that you couldn't have just said the last two times we met? Hate the new Castillo as much as I do?" I ask him. He laughs a bit and gestures me to start following him. "Mr Castillo is a bit of a dick, off the record that is. Pays well though so he can be as much as an ass as he wants" he tells me. "Just how the world works I guess, just cause they're rich, they can just pay to have their problems removed" I say to him as we enter a Cafe.

 "Just how the world works I guess, just cause they're rich, they can just pay to have their problems removed" I say to him as we enter a Cafe

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"What are we doing here? And you still haven't told me that thing yet" I say to him as we take a seat at the cafe. "We're just getting a coffee Dani, take some time to relax" he tells me. Did he seriously just ask me for a coffee hangout? A waiter comes over to us and he gets us both a Coffee. "I just wanna see what kinda person you are Dani, everything out there about you is all so negative, I want to hear your side of things" he says to me after the waiter leaves.

"Your job is literally to kill me isn't it, why are you like, so nice to me?" I ask him. "why not? Literally have nothing against you, you're kinda just fighting for your country in a way" he says to me in an honest tone. Mmm fuck. This guy is... Fuckin interesting. "Wow that's kinda nice in a way" I say to him. "Haha, you get happy easy, what are you planning on doing once your in charge of Yara though?" He asks me.

"Never had anything that really made me happy, doesn't take much. But I'm not leading Yara, never gonna get to that point and it's not my thing" I tell him which really brings down the mood. Fuck Dani, am I trying to make everyone depressed. "Shit aye, you need to go do something that you enjoy, think about yourself a bit more. Go with your friends and do something fun with them" Y:N tells me.

"Haha, yeah I don't really have any friends, wouldn't know what to do if I had any either" I tell him. "To distracted with the revolution you are, I have to go now but here's my number, if you feel like hanging out then just text me" he says to me as he writes his number down on a torn magazine page and hands it to me. "Thanks, I guess we'll talk soon then" I say as we both stand up and smile at each other. "Cya Dani" he says before walking away. I just smile at him before saying bye so quietly that he couldn't hear me.

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