Dating in Yara?

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Zamok Archipielago
Libertad island
Libertad HQ
6:00 PM

Dani Rojas:
I arrive at Libertad HQ to see that all the leaders from the different provinces are here, all gathered outside of the bunker having a BBQ. I walk past them quickly and into the bunker before laying down on one of the couches on top of the scaffolding. I hold my phone out above me and start typing out a draft to Y:N. Ugh what can I write that doesn't make me sound desperate to hangout?

"Hey Dani, what's with just walking past all of us like that? Camila Montero asks me. I quickly turn off my phone and look down to see she's standing with everyone else at the doorway and they're all looking up at me. "Oh sorry, I uh, just had something to do, I'll join you guys in a bit though" I say to everyone below me. "Dani Rojas saying her phone is important? What's on there Dani?" Talia asks me. As she makes her way over to a ladder and climbs her way up to me.

"Nothing" I quickly reply to her. She walks up to me and quickly picks up my phone that I left sitting next to me. "Who's Y:N?" Why are you asking them to hangout in the most awkward text ever?" She asks me before I snatch my phone back off of her. Why the fuck don't I have a password on my phone. "He's a friend that I enjoyed hanging out with" I tell her. "He? Oooo, who is he Dani!?" Camila shouts at me with excitement as her and Yelena climb up the ladder and sit down on the couch.

"No one" I say in defence. "Hey this is girls talk! All you boys go fix a car or something!" Talia shouts at the guys causing them to leave. That just leaves me sitting in-between Camila, Yelena and Talia, all overly interested in who I'm talking to. "So who's Y:N, Dani?" Camila asks me. "ugh, well he's someone I met a couple days ago and we hung out properly today, it was okay" I tell them which only makes them ask more questions. "So how did you guys meet?" Yelena asks me. Oh fuck, I can't just tell him that he's Castillo's right hand man. Can't even say that he's a Soldado. "Um, we just kinda bumped into each other" I tell them in a tone which couldn't make it anymore obvious that I'm lying.

"So you're asking him out on a date?" Camila asks me. "What? No we're just like friends, I don't date people" I explain to everyone. "Pfft, Dani stop bullshitting us, it's obvious that you've got a crush" Talia says before taking my phone off me. What's with this bitch and taking my phone? "Yeah so when do we get to meet him Dani? Yelena asks me. Before I can answer Talia starts reading out what she's writing on my phone.

"Hey Y:N, it's Dani. Do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow night? I think I'm really into you. Also I would like you to meet my friends. Send" she says before looking at me and smiling. "Delete that now! I shout at her as I jump over Yelena and try to get my phone back. We struggle for a bit with Talia pushing me away and the other girls jokingly holding me back until I get the phone back and stand up from the couch

"Fuck he just texted back" I say as I quickly turn off my phone in a panic. "What did he say Dani?" Camila asks me as the girls make space for me to sit down again. I sit down and give my phone to Talia as I bury my head in my hands. "holy fucking shit this is Dani Rojas' first date!" She yells out as she shows the others my phone. I sit up quickly, surprised from what I just heard and snatch my phone.

"Yeah I'd love to go on a date with you and I'd be happy to meet your friends too. Any ideas of what you'd like to do?" I read quietly to myself even though everyone else was listening. "YES DANI!" The shout and scream as they gives me hugs. What. The fuck. Is happening. I can feel myself start to smile a bit and kind of feel good about all of this. "Shit what the fuck do I say?" I ask openly as I start to panic. What the fuck is there to do in Yara? What the fuck do you do on a date? "What do you do on a date?" I ask.

"Calm down Dani, so what do you guys both like to do?" Yelena asks in return as she takes my phone. I can't really say what we have in common because we only just met and the only thing that we kinda have in common is we both shoot guns. "I don't know! Fuck we have to write something" I say as I grab the phone and start typing anything that comes to my head. I type for a few seconds before Camila grabs my phone and reads out my message. "What the fuck is this Dani? Go date would be fun and, and what the fuck Dani, do you have any idea how to talk to a guy you like" she says to me as she deletes my message.

"Ok how about this, How do you feel about us meeting at the Montero farm tomorrow night at 8 so you can meet my friends and we can hangout, then I'll send a winky face" Camila says. "Why do we have to meet at your farm? Talia asks. "Why do any of you have to meet my friend? I ask instead. "Because we all wanna see who'll be the dad of the next generation of Rojas" Yelena says which makes everyone but me laugh. "Whoa he's just a friend and no way I'm having kids" I tell them.

"I can imagine it, little Dani's running around, you being a happy mother and finally having someone to give you some love" Yelena says to me which makes the others laugh again. "okay so seriously Dani, we all know you suck at feelings, if you really do like this guy though we can help you out so you don't fuck it up, if not we'll leave you be" Camila says to me. "Ugh okay, I may be interested in him enough to care if I fuck things up or not" I admit to everyone.

Camila smiles at me as if she was waiting for me to break. "Fine I'm interested in him, please don't let me fuck this up" I tell the girls. "Don't worry Dani, we got you. Just follow our advice and you'll be fine. Talia tells me. You know what. I feel good knowing that I'm getting help from people that have actually been in a relationship in recent years.

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