Cita Uno

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Montero Farm
7:50 PM

Dani Rojas: I arrive at Camila's farm 10 minutes before my date to see if everything is set up

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Dani Rojas:
I arrive at Camila's farm 10 minutes before my date to see if everything is set up. "Hey Dani! We've got a table set up all romantically over here for you" Camila tells me as we walk over to a small pond with a candle lit table beside it. "Will he like this?" I ask her as I sit down at the table. The candle illuminates my face and I look up at Camila to see that she's shocked. "What the fuck Dani? Where's your makeup?" She asks me as she makes me stand up and shines a light on my face.

"I have never touched make up in my life Camila" I tell her. "Hey guys sorry we're late" Yelena yells out as her and Talia walk towards us. "Why are you guys so dressed up? It's my date" I say to them. "Why aren't you dressed up Dani, it literally is your date. Your clothes are eh at best and you have no makeup up, no even eyeliner" Yelena says to me as she examines me closely. "Fuck Dani, we have to fix this quickly" Talia says to me as she grabs me by my arm and starts pulling towards Camila's house.

We go inside and they sit me down in front of a table with a mirror on it. "At least you washed your face" Talia says to me as she starts putting stuff on my face. The others join in and start putting makeup all over my face. They even fix up my eyebrows and brush my hair. "It's 8:00, wish we could've done more but you are just useless when it comes to trying to make yourself look good" Talia tells me as she stands me up and starts pushing me back outside.

"Here Dani, take my handbag" Yelena says as she pushes her handbag into my hands. "What is the point of this? I can't even fit my gun into it" I tell the girls as I try to fit my handgun into it. "Holy shit Dani it's a date, why the fuck are you bringing a gun?" Camila says to me as she takes my gun off of me. "Hey I might need that" I tell her as she pushes me back towards the table she set up outside. "Your beautiful Dani, the date isn't going to go that bad you need to kill him" Yelena says to me as we all stand around the table.

Just as she finishes saying that Y:N starts walking towards us. "Whoa, I didn't expect him to be that hot" Yelena says to us. "Yeah Dani, you should've put more effort into how you look" Camila tells me. Hearing the girls saying all this just makes me feel like shit. Makes me feel like he's to good for me. Is this a pity date? Y:N walks up to us and puts his hand out for the girls the shake. "Hey I'm Y:N" he says before the girls shake his hand and introduce themselves.

"Hey Dani he says to me as he sits down at the table. Holy fuck, Ive never been so stressed in my life. "H-Hey" I stutter before Camila gives me a nudge for me to sit down. "Oh I liked the natural look" Y:N says to me once I sit down and look at him. "You don't like the makeup?" I ask as I start trying to rub it off. "Make-up is meant to hide imperfections, but you already look perfect" he says to me which makes me stop rubbing off my makeup and smile.

"Oooooo oh my!" Yelena yells out as she becomes flustered on my behalf. For whatever reason. "Shhhh, sorry we'll just let yous be" Camila says to Y:N and I before she grabs Yelena and walks away with her and Talia. After they leave, which they kinda don't, they just go over to a shelter and watch us from afar, Y:N turns to me and smiles. "Some interesting friends you've got there" he says to me. "Yeah, never knew I was that close to them really. Oh and thank you for not arriving in a military uniform and car, don't think it would've ended the way I want it to" I say to him.

"How do you want it to end then?" He asks me. I freeze up after he asks me that. How do I want this night to end? "Um I'm not sure, wow Camila didn't even get us food" I say to him loudly to avoid the conversation and for Camila to get a hint. "She hasn't planned that far ahead has she?" He asks me as he stands up. "Oh no I'm sure she has, please don't leave just yet" I tell him as I stand up as well. "I'm not leaving, I just want to see if she'll let me cool for you, come with" he says to me as he starts heading over to Camila's house.

We walk over to Camila's house and just before we get to the door Chorizo walks out. He starts growling and barking loudly which causes Camila to come out to see what he's barking at "Chorizo, cut it out" she says to the dog which is still barking loudly at Y:N. "Sorry, he usually only acts like this around soldados..." She says as she picks up Chorizo and trails off. "Dani never told me what you do for work" Camila says she she stares at him with suspicion.

"Oh I'm a geologist, I've been hired to test the soil in the fields, guess he can smell soldado on me from when I got stopped at one of their checkpoints" he says to Camila. Camila's suspicion fades away and she takes Chorizo inside. "Don't be silly Chorizo, he's not a soldado" Camila says to the dog before I shut the door and grab Y:N by his wrist. "Come for a walk I want to show you something" I tell him as I start pulling him along. As we start walking he moves his hand so it's holding mine.

We're in the dark so he can't see my face right now which I'm so grateful for but I'm starting to sweat like crazy now. No fuck, not sweaty palms. In the dim moonlight we make our way up a hill behind the farm which overlooks a large part of Yara and the ocean. "Wow, it's such a small island, full of amazing things" he says to me as he turns and faces me, grabbing both of my hands. Holy fuck Dani, this could be happening. We both start leaning in but it's interupted by Y:N getting a notification on his phone.

"It's from Castillo, I'm sorry I have to go" he says to me as he starts walking back to the farm. "Almost forgot who I was with" I say to him quietly as I follow behind him back into the farm. He stops at the table that we were ment to be having our date at and the girls are putting food on it. "We can do something another time if you want to" he says before giving me a hug and leaving. I just stand there, not sure what to do.

"We just got all this food ready, what did yous do?" Talia asks me. I keep standing there till Camila shakes me with makes me start paying attention. "You must be pretty emotionally deprived if that makes you freeze up Dani" she says to me. "Yeahhh, that was amazing. I turn and look at the girls before smiling wildly and saying "We have to plan another one".

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