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12:00 PM

"Are you happy with what you got today?" Y:N asks me as he puts the last of the clothes in the back of the car. "Yeah, I mean, I really can't thank you enough but like you didn't have to" I tell him. "I have no problem doing things for people I like, besides I had to give you some choice of what to wear" he tells me. He likes me? "Okay I've been meaning to talk to you about that" I tell him quietly. "Talk to me about what?" He says confused. I pull on his arm and start walking a bit away from the cars and the others.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him."what's that" he asks as he starts walking back to the car. "Ugh don't make it awkward" I tell him as I follow him back to the car and get into the passenger seat. Y:N starts to drive and doesn't seem to answer my question. "Soooo you gonna answer me?" I ask after a couple minutes of driving. "I don't understand what you're trying to ask Dani" he tells me, still oblivious to what I'm trying to get across.

"Okay, put it like this, why do you keep me alive... and like around... At your place" I say to Y:N as our convoy comes to a stop on the Highway. "Because I like you, I thought we were getting along pretty well until you started acting out" he tells me. "That! That right there! What the fuck do you mean by, I like you. Also what acting out?" I yell at Y:N excitedly.

"You literally almost got yourself executed the first time you met my boss, that's you acting out" he says to me, completely dodging the only part of the conversation I actually wanted him to answer. Also what Boss? Don't act like you actually do what Castillo says. Please Y:N. "Ughh" I groan in frustration as I undo my seatbelt and start spinning around. By this point the convoy of cars has started moving and we're heading through the jungle road. "And this... Sometimes you just act like a child, this is you acting out" he says to me.

I turn around and sit in my seat properly just before the lead car in front of us explodes. Y:N slams on the brakes and turns off to the side of the road near a farmer's house before getting out of the car. I get out of the car and follow him over to the burning car. Other soldados come up to us and suddenly there is a hail of bullets. A few of the soldados are hit and Y:N pulls out his sidearm before rushing me into the farmer's house.

The gunfight continues for a minute until it slows down a bit, from what I assume most of the soldados must have been killed. Y:N and I look through the window to see armed guerillas starting to make their way towards us, still fighting any of the soldados still alive. Fuck, what are you doing Dani? Why are you just standing here? As I think this to myself Y:N opens fire on the guerillas outside of the house. I go to stop him but before I get a chance he is shot in the chest causing him to fall to the ground.

I shout out his name and run over to him, kneeling beside him. He coughs and tries to sit up but the pain causes him to lay back down. I put my hand on his chest and to my relief I find out that there's no blood. The vest stopped the bullet and instead just winded him, probably giving him a nasty bruise too. The door gets kicked in and a couple of armed guerillas rush in, all pointing their guns at Y:N. "Whoa whoa whoa!" I shout out as I put myself between them and Y:N.

We're stuck in somewhat of a stalemate until someone walks in, Yelena. You have to be fucking kidding me. "C'mon Dani, we're here to save you" she says to me as she holds out a 1911 for me to take. "I didn't need saving and you almost killed Y:N!" I yell at her. She looks at Y:N on the ground as he sits himself up against the wall before she walks over to him. "I guess I'll just finish him then" she says as she points a gun at him. I step in-between and shove her.

"You're not killing him!" I scream at her. She takes a step back and gives me a strange look. "Fine, take both of them, keep him restrained though, he's a prisoner" she says to the other guerillas before she leaves the room. I turn around and ask Y:N if he's okay before helping him up. As soon as I do this, one of the guerillas ties his hands together with tape. "That's not even necessary" I tell them. They don't answer me, they just walk away instead.

I grab Y:N by the arm and help him walk outside where there is a pick-up truck waiting for us and some guerillas. "Don't worry Dani, we'll take him from here" they say to me as they try and grab Y:N from me and push him roughly into the side of the car. "No I've got him" I tell them as I grab Y:N back and open the tailgate of the car. We get up and sit against the back of car before the guerillas drive us to wherever it is we're going.

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