Untitled Part 9

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Then he was overtop me. I felt his hands on either side of my body and I went rigid, gripping the blankets that were hard with someone else's filth. His lips were on my neck, my chest, and eventually down to my breasts. I held my breath, shivering and shaking while he did what he wanted. Then one hand wrapped around my throat and I tried to scream, but he only squeezed tighter, cutting off my air. I started to wriggle and he squeezed one hard time, and then loosened. As I gasped for breath, he yanked my top up and it pulled my arms above my head. There, he left it, binding my arms together in an odd fashion above my head, so that I couldn't move.

His hand left my throat, and I felt hem on my hips, dragging my skirt down. I pressed my thighs together, knowing it wouldn't do me any good, but pressing with all my might anyways. He surprised me though, when he got off of the bed, and I couldn't hear him anymore. My breathing hitched, nervous, and in anticipation and anxiety. Suddenly he was over me again, and I felt, more than anything, his sweaty heaviness.

"Open your mouth." He commanded me. I heard the brutality and seriousness in his voice, so I did as I was told. Before I understood what was happening, I was being choked. Something was being forced down my throat and I couldn't handle it. I gagged and sputtered, fighting to rid my mouth of the object in vain.

He grabbed the black material and ripped it off my face, and my eyes blinked several times before I understood what was in my mouth. He was sitting over top me, with his knees on either side of my head, shoving his dick down my throat.

I kicked and tried to yell, but my windpipe was closed off. I tried to brace my hands against him to push him away from me, but they were pinned, and I was stuck. I could hear him moaning and grunting, and my throat started to hurt. Tears welled in my eyes and they started o sting, the pressure of him in my throat and the irritation of his balls slapping against my chin over and over again.

I felt him go rigid, his body pausing above me, and he slammed further and harder into me, just in time for a hot stream of cum to spray down my throat. It tasted God awful and burned my nose. I felt like I was going to throw up, and just before I did, he pulled out. I rolled over and puked off the side of the bed, all over the floor.

"You know what, I think I might let you go now, today. I think I'm done with you. I can't do anything when you're puking all over the place, it's disgusting." He stated. I just looked up at him, and nodded.

"Yes sir."

I was thankful he was leaving, I didnt care why. Maybe i should puke more often, i mused.

He hauled me up by my shoulder, and pushed me towards the door, towards my small scraps of clothes. "Get dressed, and get out. Next time, you're going to pay for cutting my fun short today, I promise." He sneered. I knew he was serious. He'd never once before lied about how he was going to treat me the next visit. I shivered in my skin and quickly jerked on my clothes. I turned on my heel, afraid he'd change his mind about letting me leave if I took too long, and opened the door. The lights in the hall were dingy and brown, making it easy to see after the darkness in the other room. The walls were cinderblock and the floors were brown with dirt, sticking to my bare feet like wet gum or paste. Before I could really analyze my surroundings anymore, a man next to the door grabbed my shoulders and pushed me towards the room id left earlier. I followed willingly, happy to be away from my ongoing nightmare, and hopeful to see Star again, anxious to make sure she was ok. 

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