Untitled Part 10

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He pushed me into the room, and I quickly scanned the area, searching for the bright blonde id come to know as my friend.

I saw her after not much struggle, curled up into the fetal position, in the same place id left her. I rushed to her side, aching to hold her, to ensure she was ok. As soon as I got to her side, I knew something was wrong. She was shivering like it was freezing in the room, but she was sweating so badly. Even her hands were clammy and cold. Her eyes were closed, but it was tight, like she was in pain and forcing herself not to cry.

I slide my arm under her head, pulling her close and onto my lap. Her blue eyes opened and looked at me, but she looked lost, distant. She didn't seem to understand what was going on around her, and kissed her forehead. My whole body went cold and I couldn't help but start to cry again. I knew something was wrong, and I didn't know what to do.

Gently lowering her head back to the ground, I jumped up and ran to the door. Trying the doorknob, I found that it was still locked, so I started banging on the door. "Help, help, please. Someone help me!" I screamed as loud as I could until my throat was raw and scratchy. I beat the door with my little fists as hard as I could.

I heard keys jingling behind the door and I jumped back, just as it swung open with enough force to knock me over.

"What the hell do you want!" a man yelled. His eyes were wide and his head was huge. Frankly, he scared the ever lovin' piss outta me, but I had to help Star.

"Help, please. A girl, she's hurt. I don't know what's wrong with her, you gotta help her." I pleaded with him. I was so afraid for her, so worried. If I begged him enough, surely he'd find her some help. Surely he wouldn't just let her die, suffer. He must have some kind of compassion, he was human, after all.

I bounded to where she lay, praying for a miracle, hoping she'd be ok. Crossing my fingers and wishing on stars like little children do when life looks scary. I was no little kid, I was a 17 year old girl, but I was also in a nightmare. Damnnit, I deserved what little bit of hope I could muster. I didn't believe in the boogeyman, or Santa Clause, but I believed in evil, and that's what this place was. Every little girls personal Hell, and the end of a road in everyone's bad dream.

I stared up at him from her side, holding her hand, and hoping he'd help. I watched his eyes flash with confusion, then slowly change to carelessness. I felt my hope seeping away from me, like it was dripping out of my pores, leaving me cold and fearful.

"Move, bitch." He said, and he leaned down, scooping her into his arms. My prayers soared and I hopped up. Sore and all, I couldn't leave her. I grabbed her hand and followed him to the door. She was going to get the help she needed, I couldn't have been more grateful for anything in my life.

We got to the door and he stopped. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" he asked me. I just looked at him, mouth gaping, stuttering like a madman. "I-I was gonna go with her. To-to-to make sure she's ok?" I said almost as a question.

He just looked at me for a moment. It was almost as though he was going to allow it, then his eyes narrowed. "Do you think I'm stupid?" He asked.

I didn't understand. I wrinkled up my eyes and looked at the towering man in confusion and dread. "N-no, I d-don't think..." I started.

"You want to go with her so that you can try to sneak out. I'm not an idiot, I know that. Im smarter than that. No, you can just leave your happy ass in here. She doesn't need you anyway." He huffed. Then he turned in just a moment and was out the door before I could say anything else. I jumped at the door, banging, begging to be allowed to go with her. My throat was hoarse and my hands were numb by the time I slid to the floor. I moved out of the way of the door, to the wall directly next to it, in hopes of knowing the minute Star returned. 

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