Untitled Part 22

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He took my breath away, as he always had. His dark smoldering look, dark almond shaped eyes that matched the color of smooth, rich, chocolate, were oh too familiar to me. My hand flew to my mouth to stifle a gasp, he was leaning on a desk, staring straight at me. The black T-shirt giving him a scary look, yet I still longed to be with him. It was weird, how those things never change.

An amused smile played across his lips, a treacherous and enticing trap that I would play into perfectly, and my heart beat faster, rhythmically. I could hear the pounding in my ears, practically feel it vibrating my whole body, and I was helpless in the floor, a crumpled mess that just happened to open the wrong door, and pick the wrong date.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I questioned him. Deep down, I had a sickening feeling that I knew exactly why he was here, but I had to hear it, had to know. I stared at him, pleading with him with no more than my eyes, to tell me that he wasn't involved. To give me some sort of extravagant story as to how he'd come here searching for me, that he wasn't the reason I was here in the first place.

The silence stretched across the room and it felt like an eternity before he responded to me, his arrogant smirk ruining the look of his face, making me hate him as much as I was attracted to him. I felt a bile in the back of my throat, and my stomach felt sick. The suspense was too much for me, and the fact that I knew the truth was torture. He had to say something soon..

"I work here, doll." He finally said. It wasn't satisfying. I wanted him to tell he'd put me here, he'd taken my life, my parents, my virginity from me. I wanted him to admit what a piece of scum he was, and then I wanted to kill him. I'd never been so angry before, never before could I vision how I wanted someone to die, to feel fire within my heart and feel it spread throughout my body. I could almost literally see red envelope everything in the room, and I could feel my hands shaking against the floor.

"You put me here, didn't you? YOU are the one that ruined my life.." it started as a whisper, but it grew into a much louder and confident statement. My lip was quivering, and it may have looked like a possible onset of tears to him, but to me it was pure rage. "YOU did this...how, could you possibly..." he cut me off.

"It was easy really. Do you know the money that comes from this line of work? I'm already richer than in my wildest dreams, and I'm only 19 years old. I've only turned over a few girls, and yet, I'm sitting on piles of money, I can afford anything I want, invest, buy a house, buy a sports car, anything. The possibilities are endless, and it's all thanks to you. Well, and a few others." He started to chuckle. I felt broken. As angry as I was, I could still hardly believe my ears. He'd really turned me, and how many others, over for money?

"You don't understand, do you? I never cared for you, I wanted money. Sure, you're attractive, that's exactly why I won your heart and took you in the first place, but I was in it for the money. You should just move on." He laughed again. All I could do was stare. I was wordless, I had nothing to say. I finally understood the answer to 'why me' at least.

He stood, and I watched him walk over to me, his black shirt rippling in the weird light, and his black boots and jeans completing the "bad boy" look that I'd envisioned for him. Squatting down in front of me, he balanced on his heels, and his hands played with a silver letter opener as he spoke to me. It glittered in the light, and I stared at it, as i couldnt bear to look him in the face anymore. I was ashamed. I was ashamed that i had fought my parents so hard, that i had fallen for such a horrible person, and that my naivety had allowed me to be brought here.

As he told me of his magnificent dreams and future plans, I heard muffled sounds, my ears no longer working, my sadness filling every pore of myself, and feeling an end draw close. I knew he would call the men that had followed us to take me away as soon as he was done gloating. I also could guess what would happen to me when they did. It would be the same thing that had happened to Star, or worse. I shuddered at the thought. I couldn't imagine going through that, but then, I couldn't imagine before, going through any of this, and here I was. Maybe I was strong enough to live, maybe I wasn't. all I could do was wait and find out, right?

Wrong. Before I could mentally process what I was doing, I heard his words slur, and I felt him freeze. I looked down at my hands, no longer on the floor, and stared. I don't know if I was in shock, or not, but I froze too, my fingers gripped tightly around the silver letter opener protruding from his neck. Blood dribbled from around it, and his eyes widened, deep and brown, and I couldn't look away.

Time was suspended for a moment, lost in each other's eyes, his frightened, mine determined. We were lost in our own world, and then it was shattered. He began reaching for the letter opener, grunting sounds coming from his mouth, and I let go. As his own fingers gripped it, and he pulled it from his throat, blood gushed out of the hole like water from a broken dam. I edged as far from him as I could, then he fell over in the floor, gasping for air, withering on the carpet. He still clenched the letter opened firmly in his hands, like the thing that had caused this damage could somehow be his salvation. I could barely stand to watch him, but I did. I watched his dimming brown eyes stare at me, confused, frightened, and wishing for a different end.

The light drained out of them much as the sun dips over the mountains at night. It wasn't quickly, but it didn't take very long either. One minute he was there, staring at me, asking me how I could've done that to him, and the next he was gone, letting go of the letter opener and letting it fall just from the tips of his fingers. A glazed look fell over his eyes, and I couldn't stare at him anymore. I leaned forward and pressed my fingers lightly over his eyelids, pulling them close, letting him rest. It could almost have been that he was sleeping, if not for the blood all over his body, and the bloody letter opener inches from him on the floor.

I shuddered again, questioning myself, and I looked down. His blood was splattered all over my T-shirt. It was a reminder of what I'd done. I knew that I had to, that I couldn't stay here, I would die. It didnt change the sorrow i felt, for having killed a man. He deserved it, i knew that, but knowing that i was capable of such a thing was terrifying and hurt me in my soul. I bit my lip, held in my tears, and tried to stand again. I could just barely hold my weight, and I hobbled over to the desk, taking care to step around Dames beautifully broken body, and the seeping puddle of blood on the floor. 

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