Untitled Part 18

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After I couldn't say how long, my toes and hands went numb. I could still feel the throbbing in my ankle though, and that made it that much worse. I was naked, in pain, and tied up to the bed with not the slightest hopes of escaping on my own. After id waited about as long as I could without howling from the pain, I started to yell for help.

"Help, help anyone! Can someone come help me! Please?" I yelled out. I knew my voice would be hoarse and my throat dry before anyone came to me. I wasn't worth the help, I didn't deserve it. To them, I was like cattle, being used and abused for the cash that they collected. I was something to be bought or rented, and paid for promptly.

I cried. I had tried so hard not to, but no one was in here now and i didnt feel particularly strong. I could feel the string around my wrists and my ankles with such clarity it was scary. I knew they were cutting into my skin, but i was stretched so tightly that i couldnt see them. The only way i could tell was that i could feel the blood dripping down my wrists, no doubt pooling on the disgusting mattress and creating yet another stain.

Lord, how was I ever put in this position? Why do you not love me, to let me go through this? I was a good kid, I AM a good kid. Hell, I'm a kid, no kid should go through this! What is this mess that I'm in...I honestly don't know if I'll ever make it. Im so sick already.

My mind was playing games with me, torturing me. It was my own thoughts, my own free will that allowed them to grow and fester there, but I couldn't help it. I felt my soul breaking, my heart being crushed, my future turning black and molding until it looked like a tomato someone forgot in the fridge after a couple months.

I threw my head back onto the hard mattress I was on, and wriggled my waist as best I could, until the T-shirt I was still wearing covered as much as I could of my body. No more than an inch down my thighs, it barely covered what I attempted to hide, but it was at least something. I lay there an eternity longer. I could feel the silence entomb me. It was heavy, and filled with hatred; hatred for them, for myself, for everyone that couldn't or wouldn't help me. A hatred for the world and everything around me. I no longer cared, I was just angry.

I thought my eyes were deceiving me when the door opened a crack, ever so quietly. I saw him, walk slowly into the room. My heart didn't speed up, but it soared. I felt as though I could actually be flying. In this world where everything was dark, his eyes made me feel a spark of my past, some type of happiness. They were like orbs to another world. The light blue sky and golden flecks of purity, freedom, amazement. I couldn't help but tear up again when I saw him, and he hurried to where I was, unbinding my wrists with a gentile quickness that surprised me.

"It's ok, you're ok. You can't let them win, you know." He whispered. My eyes were wide as quarters, I could hardly believe that he dared to say that out loud. "You have to stay strong. Nothing lasts forever...I promise." He said. His fingers stopped moving, and he slowly lifted his head to look at me. His eyes were so sincere. I would've given almost anything to hold him, to tell him it would be ok. He was like a child himself, not much older than perhaps myself. I knew he was probably trapped here too, unable to leave and go back to the life he no doubt had before this.

I yelped when he untied my ankles, the small pressure his fingers laid on my skin burned. I could see the pain in his eyes when he looked at me. He knew it was probably broken. The blood from the string cutting into my skin made it look that much worse. Maybe I would be lucky. Dislocated. There was always the chance of that, right?

"It could be dislocated, you know." He said. I could tell he knew it was a long shot, but at least he was trying. Right? "Would you like me to try and set it?" he was timid, asking with his eyes downcast, almost like he was ashamed to tell me he'd help me.

I trusted him. I trusted him with all I could muster, almost like there was no other option. I nodded my head, praying for the best, hoping he could fix it, grateful for the effort alone that he was willing to make for me.

"You have to be quiet, ok? You can't scream, or we'll both be hurt. I won't be able to help you, or anyone else, anymore if you aren't quiet. Ok, Hun? He practically begged me. It was so heartfelt. He was genuinely concerned and I couldn't help but feel for him. Id do probably anything he asked of me, of that I was sure.

"Yes, I promise. I'll be quiet." I whispered.

He looked at me a moment longer, and finally emitted a long sigh. "Ok, this is going to hurt a little, I'm not going to lie. Ok?" He nodded at me, hoping I understood, and I did. I knew it was going to hurt. "Ok, don't bite your lip or tongue, but close your lips so you won't feel the urge to yell, ok?"

I pressed my lips closed tightly together, closed my eyes, and laid my head back so I couldn't see what he was doing. For safe measure, i threw my arm over my mouth and applied pressure. If nothing else, that might help muffle my scream. I felt him take hold of my ankle, he was gentile and they just rested there a moment, almost as if to allow me to first relax, then "snap."

My body twitched and I was moaning between pressed lips and tight teeth. Instinctively I pulled my foot away, but I didn't try to do anything, I didn't grab it. The pain was enough, and it was already subsiding. Maybe it was just dislocated. I looked up at him and was surprised to see that he seemed completely upset. "I'm sorry that it hurt you, I-I didn't want to hurt you. I don't like to hurt any of you. I'm really truly sorry." He said.

Before I could process what I wanted to say, or do, or whether or not I just wanted to run, I saw myself reaching out, and laying my hard on his arm. His head jerked up, and his eyes widened. What, he was allowed to touch us, not us to touch him? That hardly made sense. "It's ok, you know. You don't need to feel bad. Thank you for making my ankle feel better. I appreciate it." I stated simply.

He looked me up and down without speaking. "You're still wearing my shirt." He said, more as a question. I looked down. I was. "Yeah, they haven't given me anything else, so I mean." I could hear my voice trembling. I wasn't sure why, but I was nervous. Maybe it was the blood stains along the bottom of the now dirty sky blue t-shirt that barely covered me. Maybe it was the fringes along the bottom where it had been yanked and pulled and ripped. It looked better than the dress id been wearing when I first got here though, so I could only be grateful to have something to put on. I was wearing more than a lot of the other girls. They had tops that barely covered their breasts, leaving their stomachs exposed and only inches from their nipples, bottoms that were no more than panties, one more "interaction" away from ripping completely. I looked back up at him.

He looked at me in a weird fashion, and lifted his hand towards my face. His hand caressed my cheek and I flinched. Stopping for only a second, he continued to brush my skin with his fingers, and it soothed me. "You will be ok. You will." He whispered, directly into my ear. And at the end of the last syllable of the last word, he rose, and headed towards the door. "Keep looking upward, Gracie. Keep looking up." And he eased his way out the door, quiet as a mouse.

I lay back on the pile of shit that was my bed, and curled myself up into a ball, easing my stomach and trying to hide my body from the coldness that seeped out of the walls and the floor.

I froze, and looked at the door when I heard it creak open, feeling my heart sink when I saw the man that always took me to my regular guy. I sighed heavily, and stood up. My ankle still ached, but I could at least walk on it now. Walking towards him before he could even yell at me to move my ass, I think he was surprised. Without saying a word the entire time, he lead me down the hallway, holding tightly to my collarbone. He didn't need to hold me tightly, I didn't care. No matter what fire I had inside, I didn't have the physical energy to fight him right now. 

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