Untitled Part 19

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It was always a nightmare. Being touched, prodded, poked, violated, humiliated, and taken advantage of. His face repulsed me, as usual. It wasn't, most likely, because he was an unattractive man, but because of what I knew him as. He was a monster, someone that felt no remorse for torturing little girls and violating them in ways none should know. He was a grotesque, thing...that deserved to be put down, like a dog.

He walked towards me. The look on his face said all that I needed to know, today was going to be fun for him, something new to me. He was probably going to use some type of torture that would make me wish I were dead, or some means of making me cry. I wasn't sure, but it would be something that I already dreaded terribly.

"Hello, my pretty little flower. I'm so very excited for today." He cooed. His voice dripped with promise of pain, words that meant little to him, but sent shards of hot fear pulsating throughout my body. I shivered, but I stood rooted to the spot. I knew better than to run, hide, scream, cry, kick and beg for mercy even. It did me no good. He was merciless and evil, and my showing pain did little to help me, and more to pleasure him. It was a revolting thought, but it was the truth.

I didn't have the energy anymore to fight him. I couldn't face the fact that I might be there forever, until the day I died, so I blocked it out. It wasn't worth fighting anymore. I couldn't handle it. I zoned out all of his speech that used to chill me to the bone, frighten me to no end, and make me weak in the knees. I let his words pour out of him, and leave no effect on me. I knew he was perturbed by it, but I couldn't even fake caring. I didn't care anymore, and that could be a problem.

I simply followed when he led me across the room, didn't shudder against the wall like I usually did. I couldn't even find the urge to fight when he pushed me down onto the bed and climbed on top of me and undid his pants.

It hurt, it always hurt. It brought tears to my eyes, but not enough for them to spill over, and I think he was starting to get angry. I could feel how much rougher he was being, but I could not bring myself to care, or to fake it so that he wouldn't. I simply did not have the energy.

I thought he was done. I thought I was done, but when he finished, and he got off of me, he told me to lay there, to be still. I shivered in the dampness of the room, and lay there, virtually naked and completely exposed.

"I have a surprise for you, little one. I think you might enjoy this, just a little." He crooned. His voice like a hammer to my stomach, and pain to my ears.

I rather doubt that. I've never liked a damn thing you seem to think I will, so why in God's name would this be any different?

"Carter, could you come here?" he yelled into the other room.

My heart stopped. Carter? Was he really yelling for Carter? What did he have to do with this monster? What was he going to do to me? Was he going to make him watch? Oh God, what could he want.

When he walked into the room, he refused to look at me, partially I was glad, but another part of me yearned for him to look, so that I could see his eyes, so I could figure out what he wanted with him, what he was doing here, anything. I needed to know.

"Carter here, is my apprentice." He ugly man said. My heart dropped and my stomach felt sick. I knew what this was now. This was his lesson. I was repulsed, and I couldn't help it. I knew it was not his fault, he was probably chosen for this, the same that I was, but I couldn't picture that loving and kind boy playing the role of the man that had tortured and hurt me countless times since I'd been here.

He leaned over towards Carter and whispered for a long moment in his ear, and I saw him pull away, his eyes wide, and his mouth opened in protest, but the look on my tortured face said all that he needed to know. He closed his mouth, and looked away.

"Yes sir." He solemnly said. No word of defiance, not a single effort to disobey him. He knew his consequences, and even I could see what would be in store for him if he refused.

"Carter here, is going to show you some fun tonight as well. I realize that I had been hogging you all to myself, and well, that simply isn't fair. Is it?" he sneered. He could tell how much this was breaking me, and I'm sure he reveled in the thought of it.

Carter turned and walked towards me, unbuttoning his pants, staring at the floor. I was begging him in my mind not to, but I knew that he had no choice. I'm sure that he too begged for my forgiveness, and I had to look away. I began crying, but I tried so hard to hide it. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see him, so I could almost make this fake, like it never happened.

"Go on!" the man ordered. I suppose he'd stopped for a moment, regretting already a task he hadn't completed.

I felt his hands on my thighs, and I felt him move in between my legs. I tensed, waiting, fearing the coming moments. When it started, I didn't scream, I couldn't do that to him, cause him that extra mental pain. This was not of his choosing, I couldn't hurt him when i knew he was already breaking inside. I bit my lip and kept my mouth shut, uttering very few signs of pain at all.

"You keep going until you finish. That is your task." The man mocked. And then I heard his feet leaving the room.

I opened my eyes and looked at Carter above me. His eyes were closed, perhaps out of pain, guilt, or simple concentration. I didn't wish any more pain on him. I hurt badly, inside and out, and my heart was tearing to shreds, but I did not want that for him. He didn't deserve it too.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, him pounding into me over and over and over again, as I stifled the yelps and screams and moans, but eventually he managed to finish, and I was allowed to stand. I was bleeding again, and there was no way to hide or deny it.

He looked at me, and I could see the pain written all over his face as he took a cloth and wiped away the blood I'm sure he knew he caused. Before I left the room, he lifted his arms and removed his shirt, content to give it to me, a small token of apology. I shrugged it on, never either of us speaking a word.

So when we were done, and I was sent back to my little private cell, I sat there. I stared at a wall and thought of nothing but blankness. Eventually, I must've passed out, because the next thing I know, the room is pitch black, and the only sounds I can hear are other girls, being pulled out at all hours of the night up and down the hallways crying and sobbing. A few were even still screaming, but they must've been new. It was sad, that I could tell the new girls, simply by the fact that they still fought and screamed...is that what this place did to all of us? 

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