Untitled Part 15

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I didn't remember falling asleep, or waking up, or where I was. I was in a fit of pain. My ankle was agonizing, and my stomach had begun to ache. It was almost as though it were being stabbed over and over again by a knife I couldn't see or block. My cold chills and sweats were still strong and I shivered like it was winter. I couldn't tell what day it was, or how long I had been in that room, but what I do remember, is Carter.

Out of the darkness and in my fits of awakening, I could see his eyes. They reminded me of hope, of love, compassion. They made me feel like there was more than this place, that life wouldn't always be as dark as this. His hands would find mine and squeeze them, and it was almost like reviving the dead. Id raise up and look at him. He was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. He was all I ever wanted to see.

A pain in my ankle caused me to scream, and I tried to raise up to see. I couldn't. There was a strap across my chest and I fought against it, trying to break free, desperate to get away from whatever was causing the pain. I heard his voice though, and stilled. "It's going to be ok. Calm down a minute so I can set your ankle. You'll die if it gets infected, please, just be quiet." He urged me. It was as if he were crooning each word, beckoning me to calm down and allow him to help. There was no way for me to not trust him.

He held a lamp up slightly in front of his face. It highlighted every feature. Almost like a demon, the shadows danced on his face, but the lightest areas, his eyes, his lips, they shone like Gods angels and calmed me. "It's gonna be alright, ok? Don't give up, its not worth giving up." He whispered to me. In my drunken fog, I was mesmerized by him.

All of a sudden, the pain in my ankle was almost unbearable. I screamed out in agony and fought even harder to get away, but I couldnt. The straps still held me in place, forcing me through this torture. My ankle was on fire, like a red hot iron was wrapped around it. Then, just as quickly as the pain had started, it died down again to a bearable throbbing. I was still whimpering from the pain, but my screaming had subsided. I opened my eyes again, searching for the others in the room that seemed to be filled with compassion. I caught them for just a second, and it was like i was swimming. The emotions in his eyes overwhelming me and enveloping me. I couldnt see anything else, and i didnt want to. I wanted to get lost in his eyes, leave this world behind and live there. It was as if his eyes were my own personal escape.

Then, he was gone, and the calmness i felt while looking at him gone with him. It was almost as if it had been an apparition. Was he real? Had he really been there? Why? Would he return? My mind swirled with thought after thought of him, how sweet he was, how he seemed to care when no one else in this mini Hell did. What that meant for me. Do i dare have hope that it might mean something?

Thinking of him and his blue eyes, I fell into another fitful, sweat drowned, sleep. 

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