Untitled Part 12

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"Gracie, what are you doing out there? It's nearly dark, get in this house this instant!" I could hear her yelling for me from the house, I just didn't care. I was playing, having fun, sulking in the darkness about the littlest and the biggest things. I'd go back in, when I felt like it.

"Gracie, your father is about sick and tired of this from you. Now dinner is done, if you want to eat, you'll have to come inside, otherwise, we're going to bed." She stated, matter-of-factly. I debated staying for a moment, in the darkness, surrounded by the stars, but I thought better. I wanted dinner, if nothing else. With that, I hopped up off the swing I was dragging my feet on the ground with, and headed toward the house.

"It's about time you decided to join us." My dad muttered. I could tell I was bothering them, hurting their feelings even maybe, but it didn't bother me too much. They were treating me like a child. They acted as though I couldn't take care of myself, and I could! At 17, what girl isn't allowed to go to the mall with her friends? Who isn't allowed to go to their junior prom because their parents are too worried about something "happening to them?" That isn't fair.

"You guys aren't being fair, you know." I said, while shoving a bite of mashed potatoes into my mouth. "It isn't fair to tell me I can't go to a dance I've earned, just because of your worries. We live in a good neighborhood, and I've earned that dance. I've made good grades, I know both of you can admit to that at least. I don't understand why you're punishing me like this."

My mom started to say something, maybe to clarify their reasons, I'm not sure, but I didn't let her finish. "No, mom. All of my friends are going. I'm going to be the laughing stock of the school if I don't go. Besides, I already told someone that I'd be their date. That isn't fair to them either. Why are you treating me like such a child? Prom is important." I rushed out. Breathing as though I hadn't taken a breath throughout my entire spiel, my mother found her chance to intervene.

"Honey, were not trying to punish you...your father and I just...we worry. Prom is dangerous, anything could happen and honey were not trying to say that you can't take care of yourself, but it can be very hard sometimes to get yourself out of tricky situations. We just don't want you to get hurt, that's all." She crooned.

I just looked at them. I loved my parents, but why did they have to be so old fashioned? It made everything so complicated, and so hard to have a social life. I wasn't hardly allowed to date, I wasn't but rarely allowed social outings. They were so difficult.

"Please mom, dad, let me go to prom." I pleaded.

I saw them look at each other, almost as if they were silently conferring. Finally, my mom looked at me. "Ok, Gracie, ok."

I about hit the ceiling with excitement. "Oh my gosh, thank you!" I yelled. I hugged both of them, grinning like the cheershire cat. They both smiled and laughed about my excitement.

"You just gotta be careful thought, Gracie. Ok? Anything could happen and I don't want you getting hurt." My dad finally interjected. His face became serious, and I sat back down. "Ok dad, ill be careful, I promise."

With that, plans were made, rides, dresses, jewelry. It was so much fun. When the night finally came, I spun around in my room in my dress. Red taffeda arched out in a wide circle, emphasizing my long legs and creamy thighs. My black pumps secured tightly around my ankles, and the gorgeous drop earrings and necklace my mother had loaned me for the special night. I looked like a princess, and I felt like a queen.

At the top of the stairs, I saw my mother and father waiting at the bottom with my date. I smiled with as much enthusiasm as I felt, and I gingerly walked down to them. Kissing my mom and dad, I promised them again that I'd be safe, and headed out the door. "Love you guys! I yelled from the door of the car. I didn't know that would be the last time I would see my parents for a long time, or the last time id be given the chance to say I loved them...

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