- Cat And Mouse -

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It were a few days later and tomorrow Lei'wa, her sister and the Sully's would eat by Lei'was parents again. The last time went well but Lei'wa was afraid of the next evenings because it wasn't always like that and her mother could make a scene even with the Sully kids there.

So now Lei'wa took it upon herself to prepare Kiri, Neteyam and Lo'ak for the worst.

"It could get easily heated, they could take everything as offending! They like you all so you guys don't have to worry as much." Lei'wa explained to them.

At first it was confusing for the Sully's because Lei'wa talked like their life depended on it but now they just listened and took her advice.
They believed Lei'wa knew what she was talking about, she was still their daughter.

"They like us?" Lo'ak asked, seeming like that was the only thing he got out of Lei'was rambling.

"Of course they do. Who wouldn't?" Leiwa shakes her head slightly and smiles with a playful eyeroll.

Neteyam and Lo'ak shared a look.
Both glad that Lei'was parents liked them. Now they knew that whoever Lei'wa chooses to be with, the one would have her parents approvel.

Lei'wa continued telling the other three about her parents until the sun started to set.
They pulled theirselfs to their feet and parted ways.

Lei'wa made her way to the woods, she wasn't tired and the forest was always beautiful at that time.

She walked carefully, not wanting to disturb any animals near her.
As she walked deeper into the now dark sea of trees she could hear footsteps behind her. She almost couldn't hear them but she was sure they were there.

Lei'wa began walking faster, the footsteps of the person behind her getting heavier due to the running.
She swiftly turned to the right, hiding behind a tree.
The footsteps stopped and the girl piqued her head from behind the trunk.

There stood not only one but two, looking around for the girl that's hiding from them.

Lei'wa almost laughed at the defeated looks on their faces.

They turned around countless times, looking in the same direction over and over again.
The boys couldn't believe it. How could they have lost her? One moment she was there and the next she started running, vanishing from their sight.

They didn't know these wood good and they were probably lost by now.

Neteyam sighed and stopped looking around.

Lo'ak hit a big leef next to him, he was frustrated that the girl just disappeared. They didn't even know if she's still here or where she went.

Lei'wa leaned to the side, watching the sully brothers. Their faces were dropped but when she looked into their eyes she saw an emotion. She didn't exactly know what it was, maybe sadness? Frustration?

She shrugged to herself and sighed quietly which she instantly regretted because Lo'ak seemed like he heard it.

When Lo'aks head shot in her direction Lei'wa snapped her head behind the tree again. She stood still, her back pressed against the tree.

Lo'ak tapped his brother on the arm as a rustle came from behind the same tree. When Neteyam turned to his brother Lo'ak nodded his head in the direction of the tree where he heard something. They walked to the tree, their steps were light and they breathed almost inaudible.

When they were a few feet away Neteyam looked at his younger brother, he put his finger to his lips to signal his brother to be quite.

They walked closer, parting ways so each brother was on one side of the tree.
They looked at each other, Neteyam his hand to Lo'ak, all three fingers pointing up. They crept closer as Neteyam counted from one to three with his fingers.

Stranger danger	| Neteyam & Lo'ak SullyWhere stories live. Discover now