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Kiri still hasn't woken up after last night's accident.

The Sully's hadn't left her side since. If it was sitting by Kiri's side like Neytiri or standing outside of the marui like Neteyam and Lo'ak.

Lei'wa often kept the sully brothers company and tried to ease their nerves a bit, telling them that Kiri will wake up soon.

Neteyam also told her that Jake Sully called some of his 'friends' to help Kiri and Lo'ak added —much to Lei'was dismay— that they were humans and avatars who'd bring their technology to find out what happened.

Lei'wa wasn't pleased with the idea of humans coming to awa'tlu but it didn't matter to her when they could help Kiri.

Ruyey sided with her sister on this one. Even tho she found it exciting and scary that humans would come to them all that mattered was Kiri waking up.

The fourteen year old would often stay with Tuk and distract the little girl from worrying about her sister, which was very hard to do so.

It was midday when the sound of a big machine startled the village.

Lei'wa grabbed her sisters hand as she stayed close to Neteyam and Lo'ak.

Lo'ak grabbed her other hand in reassurance, knowing that she felt uneasy.

The big machine whirled sand all around it as it landed.

The big air machine thingy shut off and a na'vi with human clothes stepped out— an avater.

The avatar man and Jake greeted each other and little humans soon followed out of the ship.

They hurried to the marui Kiri was at and Lei'wa let go of Ruyeys hand to follow Lo'ak and Neteyam, her hand still intertwined with Lo'ak's.

The only ones allowed to enter were Jake and Neytiri, meaning Neteyam, Lo'ak and Tuk had to wait outside.

Of course Lei'wa and Ruyey waited with them.

"She'll be okay. They're gonna fix this." Lei'wa said and put her arm around Neteyam's waist to pull him closer — her other hand never left Lo'ak's.

"Yeah.. Hopefully."

Lei'wa sighed and hugged Neteyam, putting her head on his chest as she pulled Lo'ak closer as well to pull her hand from his grip and hugging him too.

They gladly accepted her hug, glad that someone cared enough to comfort them and give them hope.

Lei'wa stepped back, pulling the sully brothers with her, as Ronal and Tsireya arrived with plenty of things in their arms.

They stepped into the marui and the teens outside couldn't help but peek in to see what's going on.

Lei'wa could see the avatar and one of the humans sitting by Kiri with some of their machines but Kiri still wasn't awake.

"I see I'm not needed here." Ronal said as she turned away, ready to walk out again but got stopped when Neytiri grabbed her arm.

"You are tsahik."

"Out! You've done nothing!"

Lei'wa flinched when Neytiri screamed at the humans and they quickly pulled their stuff away from Kiri and hurried out.

Ronal crouched down next to Kiri and began her healing as she poked the girls belly and tried to wake her up.

The avatar and the human from before now sat with Jake on a nearby rock talking but Lei'wa unfortunately couldn't hear  what they said.

She would've tried to listen in but she didn't want to leave Neteyam and Lo'ak alone, so she stayed with them and kept them close to comfort them.

Jake then walked back into the marui and Lei'wa nudged the sully brothers when she heard Tuks happy voice.

The two of them waisted no time and walked into the marui after their father.

Lei'wa looked in to see Kiri and Neytiri crying.

Her heart ached for the family. They were all scared that Kiri would never wake up and Kiri was probably confused and overwhelmed.

Lei'wa noticed Ruyey peeking in next to her and grabbed her little sisters hand "Come on. Let them have space."

The two sisters distanced themselves from the Sully's marui walked to their own.

Lei'wa noticed Ruyeys eyes fluttering shut and Lei'wa felt bad for not giving Ruyey her attention as well. The younger na'vi had a long day too and Lei'wa only watched over the Sully's when she had Ruyey to look after as well.

"Jump on my back." Lei'wa said and slightly crouched in front of Ruyey.

"No it's okay."

"Don't argue, just do it."

Ruyey gave in and jumped onto her sisters back as Lei'wa continued walking to their marui.

Lei'wa could feel Ruyeys head drop on her shoulder and she was sure that the girl was almost asleep.

Lei'wa entered her marui, Ruyey on her back with her eyes closed as soft snores escaped her lips.

Lei'wa slowly sat down and took Ruyey off her back to let her little sister sleep in peace.

The older girl left a kiss on Ruyeys head and left to get to her own bed.

As Lei'wa was laying down a rustle Startled her and she looked in the direction of the entrance where Lo'ak stood.

Lei'wa sat up and blinked her tiredness away.
She stood up and walked up to him, pushing his chest as she walked forward so they'd go out of the marui.

"Hey." Lo'ak whispered.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lei'wa asked and looked up at him with worried eyes.

"Yeah.. Kiri's awake now and everyone calmed down." Lo'ak nodded.

"But?" Lei'wa asked as she could see something was gnawing on him.

Lo'ak gave a sigh and looked up at the sky before saying something.

"Can we go to Payakan?"

Lei'wa nodded and grabbed his hand, leaving her sleeping sister in the marui to sneak into the dark ocean with one of the boys she loved.


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It's short but I'll post the next chap hopefully soon 

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